11. Landing a punch

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Swearing warning btw a lot of it...

As the days went by I had noticed Lo'ak had been disappearing more than usual. Instantly I knew he was visiting Payakan or at least thats what I assumed and I didn't want to pry into his personal business or anything, but I feared for his safety as I knew he was now going beyond the reef constantly. I knew at some point I would have to confront him about it, wasn't sure how but I would.

For now I had taken time in the morning to tend to Pearl and make sure my saddle was up to scratch as it was getting worn down. As I sewed it together, Pearl clicked as though to signal behind me. Confused at first I turned out, but it was just Neteyam.
"Oh, hi Neteyam." I smiled.
"Good morning. How are you?" He asked me, leaning against one of the docks polls.
"I am well, tired, but well. You?"
"Good, content even." He smiled.
"I'm glad, Kiri doing well?" I asked.
"Yes yes, your mother did wonders."
"I will let my mother know." I chuckled, before going silent for a moment.
"Is something bothering you?" He asked.
I wasn't sure if I should mention Lo'ak's disappearances as I knew it would just worry him more. At the same time I didn't want to lie to him either.
"Do you know if Lo'ak has been visiting Payakan recently?" I asked him.
"I am not sure, why do you ask?" He asked intriguingly.
"I don't know, I guess I just haven't seen him around much in the evening and I fear that's what he is doing." I shrugged.
He hummed in response, "I will see what I can do to figure it out." He reassured making my shoulders relax ever so slightly.
The boy never failed to make me feel content weirdly enough, it was comforting. But quickly that feeling of content dissipated.

Collectively, we both heard a cry from nearby. Our ears twitched towards the sound, trying to hear it clearer. We investigated the sound, finding out it was quite far away from the actual village itself but still on the beach.
To my utter shock I saw Tuk in the sand, head in her hands crying her eyes out.
We both gave each other a look before bending down to comfort the poor girl. She sobbed in Neteyam's arms whilst I lightly stroked her back.
She was extremely distressed, the tears flowing like a waterfall down Neteyam's chest and torso.
"Tuk, sweet girl, what happened?" I asked softly.
She turned her head slightly, beckoning to whisper in my ear.
"He made fun of me.." My heart skipped a beat.
"Who?" I asked as calmly as possible.
"Not Aonung and Rotxo, it was the other friend." She whispered again.

Internally I felt my own sense of rage, as thought they had hurt my own sibling. I knew exactly who they were talking about, someone who my brother used to be friends with. Not anymore though and for good reason. The boy was a cocky bastard who thinks he could get what he wants when he wants it. I didn't even know his name, and I didn't want to know.

Slowly I got up, beckoning for Neteyam to follow me, I said nothing.
Stalking over to the beach I saw him alone in the distance. Reya, Aonung and Rotxo saw me in the distance. I put no effort in hiding my anger.
"Oi, yes I'm talking to you fuck face." I said loudly getting his attention.
"Aw Y/n, its been a while since we spoke." He said with a smirk. The others had gathered on the side to watch the ordeal.
"Man, what have you done now?" Aonung said taking a step forward but I stopped him, gesturing to step back.
"What gives you the right, to make fun of a seven year old huh?" I asked darkly, not breaking eye contact with him.
"She's seven, thought she was like four years old." He laughed making me curl my hand into a fist. I could see Lo'ak and Kiri watching from afar through my peripheral vision.
"What did you just say?" I said wearily.
"It was just so easy you know, so so easy." He said almost like he was proud.
"Easy to do what exactly?" I almost whispered, getting closer to the boy who was a mere inch taller than me.
"You know make fu-"
Crash. Straight in the fucking jaw.

The boy stumbled back, landing straight down onto the sand.
"You want to say that again? Do you really?" I asked, kneeling to his level.
Now he looked angry lifting his own arm as though to hit me.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, you'd regret it." I said softly, "Now, all I will say is, I am the daughter of our Olo'eyktan, and I will not hesitate to make sure you are punished accordingly."
"But shes just some forest gir-"
Crash again, this time in the throat.
"Do not test me Skxawng, I will not hesitate again." I said louder now.
He coughed trying to gain his breathing again after getting hit in the throat.
"Do I make myself clear?" I asked another fist curled.
He nodded, I stood up from where I was kneeling.
"Now get out of my face." I muttered.
Getting up shakily, he gave me one last look before scrambling away like a coward.

The air was silent, I turned to face the others. Their mouths slightly ajar at what they just witnessed.
"I um-" I wasn't exactly sure what to say after that ordeal.
Tuk jumped out of Neteyam's arm, running to me.
Scooping her into a hug, she clung onto me tight, "Thank you." She said burying her face in my neck as though to doze off.
"How did you learn to hit like that? I didn't know my sister could do that." He said ruffling my hair.
"Practice, I had been preparing that punch for a long time." I said sheepishly.
"I am so glad we are not friends with him." Rotxo chuckled.
"Me too, or you would have heard from me as well ." I half-joked, "Neteyam, should we drop Tuk off at your hut?" I asked, "I think she wants to sleep."
He nodded as we bid our goodbyes to the others.

"You never fail to impress me Y/n." He said out of the blue as we walked.
"I didn't think you would do that for Tuk, I was more than shocked really,"
"Well Neteyam, one thing about me is to not underestimate me, I can fend for myself."
"Duly noted." He retorted, "Do you think he will tell someone?"
"If he does, I have my reasons." I mumbled, "although my hand does hurt a bit. I forget how dense the jaw is."
He chuckled, "Some ice should fix that, helps me all the time. There should be some in my house."
"What about your parents, won't they ask questions."
"Trust me, they will appreciate it rather than get upset." He said reassuringly.

Once we entered the home, I laid Tuk down, making sure she was snug and warm. Neteyam led me inside more, beckoning for me to sit down.
Shortly after, Neytiri and Jake walked in, they seemed surprise to see me.
"I see you." They both said in unison.
"I see you." I returned.
"What happened to your hand dear Y/n?" Neytiri asked me.
I stumbled over my words trying to think of what to say, but Neteyam interjected.
"Some boy was picking on Tuk, so Y/n... well dealt with him."
Jake tilted his head, "How so?"
"He was just being very rude and obnoxious so I hit him where it hurts." I pointed to my jaw and throat.
Jake smiled giving me a thumbs up, "Military style, I like it." He joked making me laugh.

"Thank you y/n, it seems you are a saviour to our family when we need it most." Neytiri said cupping my cheek softly.
My heart warmed at the comment, "I am glad to, and I will continue to do so."
"Always" I said looking at Neteyam who gave me a smile as he put the ice on my knuckles.

It felt like my duty to care for this family, so I would, in any way I could. My next objective it seemed was to find out was Lo'ak was up to. Or even where he was going in the first place...
No one hurts Tuk, simple
-Author out

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