19. Healing

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Stirring awake from my slumber, I slowly opened my eyes as they adjusted to the light. I felt so sore, as though I had to be careful of every movement I made. The first thing I heard was loud distinct shouting from my father and my mother outside the hut. Slowly I got up, making my way outside to see what was going on, although I could already predict what it was.

"How DARE you hurt my daughter, what gives you the right to do such a thing? Revenge? That is ridiculous." My father yelled.
"You are lucky I don't hurt you right now, you have disgraced your family's lineage!" My mother shouted angrily, pure anger behind those eyes.
The three boys didn't dare make a sound, they didn't even make eye contact with them.
"You will be punished accordingly, a brutal but suitable punishment." My father said darkly.
I could tell my parents were trying to keep their cool. Aonung on the other hand had his fists clenched as though to signal that he would hit them again without a care in the world.

To my right I saw The Sully's standing and watching silently at the situation unfold. Neteyam and Lo'ak gave stares to the boys, and never broke them. Even Neytiri looked angry but never vocalised it. As much as I wanted to say something, I knew there would be no point to it, so I kept silent, watching from afar.

Soon Neteyam had noticed me from my hut, as I leant against the frame of the entrance.
"What are you doing up, you should be resting Y/n." Neteyam said softly.
"I'm okay I promise, I needed to stretch anyways." I whispered.
"How do you feel?"
"Sore." I said light heartedly, "How long has this been going on for?"
"Like 20 minutes. I was surprised you hadn't awoken earlier." He admitted.

As I stood the memories from last night came flooding back. Remembering how they hit me before the others arrived was brutal. My eye and jaw hurt immensely.
"Are you sure you're okay to stand?" He asked standing a bit closer to me.
"Yeah I'm okay, the light headedness is gone now." I reassured him.
"Good, as long as you're sure." He said but continued to stand close to me.
"How did my parents react when you brought me in?" I whispered as my parents were still shouting.
"Your mother freaked out, she asked me and Aonung so many questions. Your father sent people to find the boys immediately and then your mother treated you. Tsireya cried a bit, but Lo'ak and Kiri comforted her. My mother comforted Tuk who was very worried too."
"I wish I hadn't caused such a big fuss." I mumbled.
"You need to stop apologising for things that you didn't cause, they had no right to hurt you. Do you understand me?" He said making eye contact with me.
I hummed in response, "Did you guys get hurt?"
"No, we were fine since we caught them by surprise," he explained, I sighed in relief.

Shortly after the three boys were sent off somewhere that I wasn't sure of just yet. My family turned around to see me, they all seemed surprised that I was awake.
"Oh my sweet girl." My mother said in a whisper hugging me tight.
"I'm okay mother I promise." I reassured her, giving her a faint smile.
"You are so strong my dear daughter, are you sure you are alright." My father asked me, giving me a hug too.
"I'm all good, the bruises just need to heal." I commented.
Aonung slung his arm around me, giving me a side hug before inspecting my bruises.
"I wish I got there sooner." He mumbled.
"No Aonung, you helped me and thats what I appreciate. And Lo'ak and Neteyam and Rotxo, you all helped me. I hope I will be able to repay that favour to you dear brother." I said softly.
Reya came up from behind my mother and pulled me into a tight hug.
"I'm glad you're okay now and that you are safe." She smiled.
"Yeah, it's just a few punches, nothing I can't handle." I said light heartedly causing a collective laugher.

Over the next few days, the bruises and muscle aching slowly healed allowing me to get back to my normal duties as usual. I was more than happy to be out and about again, since being stuck at home was exceedingly boring. Neteyam had come to visit me which I had appreciated deeply.
Having nothing else to do, I headed to the Sully's hut hoping that the girls were there. Tuk, Neytiri, Kiri and Jake were there.
Knocking on the frame, I greeted them, "I see you."
"I see you." They said collectively.
"How are you doing Y/n?" Neytiri asked me.
"I am well, better than ever really." I smiled.
"Are you here to do our hair now!?" Tuk asked excitedly.
"If you'd like me to." I chuckled.
"Yes please!" She said sitting down quickly.
I sat down behind her, inspecting the old braids.
I noticed Jake in the corner checking out his gun closely.
"I forgot to ask Y/n, How was the stargazing the other night?" Kiri asked me.
"Oh it was magical, Neteyam loved it too. You could say he was entranced by it in a way." I smiled.
"I'm glad, he came back that night looking really happy." Neytiri smiled.
"I wonder why," Kiri teased causing me to smile.

Shortly after it was Kiri's turn and once I got to work, Neteyam and Lo'ak had arrived back from some fishing with Aonung and Rotxo.
"Hi you two." I said briefly before getting back to Kiri's hair.
"You will never guess what happened, we caught this massive fish near the end of the reef, definitely a record or something." Lo'ak said excitedly, sitting down.
"Well done son," Jake chuckled.
"We might go back out later to do some more fishing if Aonung wants to." Neteyam said.
I smiled at how my brother and Rotxo had now befriended them, it made my heart warm at the thought. I hoped in the future the bond would grow even stronger.

Finally it was time for Neytiri's hair. I was slightly more scared to do her hair for some reason, but I would do my best to impress her.
I used the best shells I had, not using too many but just enough to show a difference. I wove in a few beads too, braiding strands together as I added them. Neteyam watched intently as I did his mums hair, watching my every move. His concentration amused me.
After a few more beads I pulled away and looked at my work. I turned to Kiri and Tuk who both gave me a thumbs up.
"All done." I smiled nervously as she got up.
She inspected the beads quietly as I got up to stand between Neteyam and Lo'ak.
"You look gorgeous mum!" Tuk said smiling widely.
"You really do." Kiri agreed.
"Dad what do you think?" Tuk said.
"Hm?" Jake said looking up, his mouth slightly ajar as he looked at his wife.
"You look.. beautiful." He said softly, cupping her cheek and planting a small kiss on her forehead.
"Ugh gross." Neteyam and Lo'ak mumbled.
"Oi stop it, it's sweet." I retorted hitting their arms lightly.
I smiled at the affection between them, laughing at the boy's reactions.
"Thank you Y/n, it is just what I wanted." Neytiri smiled at me.
"It was my pleasure."

Neteyam's POV:

Looking at the affection between my mother and father wasn't always the most pleasant experience but staring at them now, with Y/n next to me, I couldn't help but imagine me kissing her the way they do.
If I ever had the guts to do so that is..

Neteyam has been thinking it seems. Thank you so much for your endless support and for 14k+ reads it means so much omg.
-Author out

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