24. Calm before the storm

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The days after that had been so blissful, so content even. I was completely at peace, nothing else on my mind but him and his beauty. Most people had noticed a shift in how we acted around each other, but it seemed that many were supportive, even our parents.
And I quote from Jake, "I wouldn't want my son with anyone else."
That comment almost made me cry on the spot.

However, most good things come to an end eventually as we were all introduced with disturbing news.
"The sky people have attacked a village to the south." My father said looking out at the sea.
"Were any killed?" Jake asked hesitantly.
"Not yet." He muttered.
"I've told no one to tell them where you are, on my orders." My father said blatantly.

My heart sank slightly, a feeling of fear settled in my stomach.
Millions of thoughts ran through my head, wondering what would be the outcome of us in this situation.
Looking at Neteyam worriedly, he tried giving me a look of comfort amongst all the information we had to unpack.
Reya looked even more scared than I was, I pulled her into a side hug, trying to comfort the poor girl.
"Y/n, I'm scared." She whispered looking out at the sea as though the sky people would arrive any second.
"It's gonna be okay, we just need to stick together okay?" I tried reassuring her, looking back at Neteyam with an uncertain look.

The whole village was panicking as the news quickly spread of the attacks of the sky people. Many were quick to blame the Sully's which was unfortunate as my family knew he just wanted to be away from war and look after his family. It didn't seem to put a dampen on his spirits on the outside but I could tell he was nervous too. I had a bad feeling about this all. Very quickly there was more activity is weapon making and training too. Everyone was on edge and I pondered on how my father would be handling this situation.

Walking with Neteyam hand in hand across the beach, there was a void of silence that I desperately needed to fill, my mind racing.

"I'm so scared Neteyam." I said softly stopping in my tracks.
Rubbing circles on my hands with his thumbs he looked at me with a sympathetic look in his eyes.
"I'm here to protect you, until death." He said seriously.
"But I don't want anything to happen to you, they are after you and your family. I want to protect you too." I said desperately.
"I know I know, we will do our best and fight for each other. Do you want to know my family's motto?"
"No, what is it?" I asked softly.
"Sully's stick together. And you're part of our family now practically. We will all stay by each others sides, until the end." He reassured me, his hands now cupping my face in a comforting manner.
"I will be by your side too." I said softly, "No matter what."
Giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead, he then leant his forehead against mine, closing our eyes. He clasped his hands in mine gently again, allowing us to enjoy the silence whilst we still could.

Nothing was ever easy, but maybe that was the beauty of it..

Neteyam later left to go have a talk with his family which seemed very urgent, so I let him be, leaving me on the beach alone for the time being. That was until I was quickly met with another familiar presence behind me.
"Hello brother." I fake smiled, allowing him to sit next to me.
"How are you feeling?" He asked me.
"I mean, I am scared, confused and worried, not feeling positive at all for once in my life." I mumbled.
He hummed in response, "I understand that, I am afraid too, of many things."
"I never thought we would be facing war this soon in our life." I admitted.
"I guess that is life, we are trained well for this, now its just applying that." He said with a bit more confidence.
I turned to make eye contact with him, "You know, you will make a great leader when you are older Aonung. I really mean it."
He smiled softly, "I will do my best one day, I promise."
Leaning against his arm, I let out a long sigh. I took in the salty air, letting it fill my lungs steadily.

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time, which what we needed most.

Later that day, I heard the sound of the horn blare, as though to signal some sort of occurrence.
Neteyam and I hopped on our Ilu with the others swiftly, following closely behind my father, mother, Neytiri and Jake. As we swam, a pit formed in my stomach as a wave of worry washed over me.
It was silent, no one dared to speak, even though we didn't know what was coming, it felt best to not say anything.

In my peripheral vision I could see Neteyam gazing at me now and again as though to check up on me. I played with my hands trying to distract myself from the deafening silence that had befallen upon us. That silence was quickly broken by the familiar sounds of the Tulkun, but it wasn't a joyful sound at all.

As we neared the Tulkun, the pit in my stomach grew larger, signalling a sense of worry and despair.
And that is when I saw it, causing me to audibly gasp at the sight. The group of Tulkun surrounded the body of a familiar looking Tulkun and her calf... my mothers spirit sister. She had passed.

"She was my spirit sister, she was a composer of songs." My mother sobbed holding her close, "She waited many mating cycles to have this calf."
"What is this Tonawari... WHAT IS THIS!" She gasped for breath as she sobbed, crying against her now fallen spirit sister.
I couldn't help but silently cry, putting my hand over my mouth to muffle my cries. Seeing my mother in such pain was the worst pain of all, knowing the unconditional love she had for her broke my heart.

As the first tear ran down my face slowly, I experienced a new sense of anger, yet sorrow too. Knowing the sky people would pay for what they did.. no matter what.

-Author out

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