The Alternative Ending..

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WARNING: you may cry whilst reading this because I teared up whilst writing it believe it or not. Be warned of course. This has no correlation with the books ending, its more of a what it 'could' have been. But as I say be warned, you're gonna be hurt by this. I suggest grabbing some tissues and playing some music whilst you're at it.

Diving down into the moon pool, the echoes of gunfire blared in my ear. As I reached the surface, I realised a tinge of red disperse into the water.
"Come on bro, we need to go!" Lo'ak shouted from afar.
"Go without me, I've been shot." Neteyam muttered as he gasped for air.
My eyes widened, my whole body going numb. Swimming over I pulled him close to me, muttering to myself 'no' over and over again.

As we reached the rocks, Jake's eyes widened as the sight before him.
"Shit." I heard him mutter under his breath.
Laying him on the rocks, I clasped his hand in mine, tears filling my eyes. Lo'ak put pressure on the wound on his father's orders.
Neytiri landed behind us, running to us, her face looking the most fearful I had ever seen before.

Neteyam struggled for breath, breathing quickly as though he was hyperventilating.
Jake cupped his son's cheek, trying to reassure the boy.
"It's gonna be okay son, it's gonna be okay." He said softly.
"Dad, I wanna go home." Neteyam sobbed, I closed my eyes at his words, trying to suppress my tears.
I could feel the presence of Aonung and Rotxo behind me, standing there, watching in shock.
Neteyam turned to me, looking at me with the same look he always had since we met, I clasped his hand even tighter in mine, not wanting to let go.
"Y/n I lo-" And before he finished his sentence, he went still, his pupils dilating significantly.
"Neteyam no." I sobbed, holding his hand closer to me.
Jake hung his head in defeat, Lo'ak shedding his first set of tears.
"Neteyam." Neytiri said softly, before becoming frantic and putting her hands on his chest desperately.
"No no, NETEYAM." The poor mother sobbed, holding her son close to her. Jake puller her close to his chest, trying to calm the poor woman as she sobbed violently.

Letting go of his hand, I shakily stood up, wanting the family to mourn the loss.
I turned around to face Aonung who had shed a tear too. He opened up his arms to me, which I practically ran into, sobbing into his chest.
The tears flowed rapidly, a salty taste filling my mouth as I gasped for air between sobs. My whole body went numb, my hands uncontrollably shaking.
My brother stroked my hair gently, pulling me close to him.
"Shh, it's okay, it's okay," he whispered to me gently.
It felt as though a part of me had been ripped away violently leaving a gaping whole in my soul. His lifeless body lay on the rocks, I couldn't bare look at for any longer. Reya sobbed in Lo'ak's arms, putting her face in his chest.
I was drowning in a pool of tears, gasping for air as I balled my hands into fists, lightly hitting Aonung's chest, my whole body giving off rage and despair.

He was gone, my love was gone.


Standing at my brother and sister's side, I watched as the Sully family waded in the water, carrying Neteyam carefully, covered in leaves and flowers.
The scene was sorrowful yet beautiful too.
No words could describe how I felt. That numb feeling had never withered away, instead it stayed causing a sense of isolation from everyone.
Aonung had his arm around me, pulling me close to him. The tears continued to flow, continuously without fail. My eyes were burning, I could feel how they had swollen from all the sobs and cries. My mind flashed back to when I held him in my arms when the others had left, my brother and sister had their hands on my backs as I held him closely, desperately trying to bring him back, praying to Eywa to bring him back to me. Yet here I stand now, watching as his body was buried under the plants of coral, his body now with Eywa.

Later that night, I visited the spirit cove, ready to see my love one last time.
As I connected to the spirit tree, I felt a surge of energy through my body, before feeling myself drift off into a vision of some sorts.

I found walking through the shallow water cave that led me to the cove where we always stargazed.
And as I looked forwards I saw him sitting there contently, looking up at the stars.
He turned to me, his beautiful smile beaming at me as though he had no worry in the world.
I couldn't help but feel the tears in my eyes again, creating a sheet of water across my eyes.
"Why are you crying my love?" He asked worriedly, cupping my cheek.
"It's just nice to see you again Neteyam." I tried to say sincerely, my tears causing me to choke on my words.
"Are you sure?" He asked again.
"Mhm, I'm sure my love." I smiled softly through the tears.
"I love you." He said as if it was the most simply sentence in the world.
My breath hitched at the words, the tears now falling, "I love you too Neteyam."

It will always hurt a little when someone mentions his name again, flashes of memories will run through my head of how it used to be, and even more will plague my thoughts of what it could have been.

It seems now you're in the stars my love, shining in its beauty..

Now I'm crying.
Why did I do this..
I'm sorry everyone

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