25. Danger incoming

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I watched silently as the clan gathered together, yelling of what they would plan to do with the sky people. Neteyam had the tracker in his hand that the sky people used, pleading for the people to listen to his father.

"You aren't listening to me! You want the Tulkun to be safe? You need to get them far away, you need to send them away!"
"Leave the Tulkun? The sky people have attacked our own, this means war!" My father shouted caused an eruption of cheer.
"No no you don't understand, the sky people will destroy everything you love and care for in the blink of an eye!"
"So we will fight to protect what we love!" My mother retaliated.

Jake took the tracker out of Neteyam's hands before lifting it up for everyone to see causing a distinct silent to fill the room.
"You see this, this is what was used to track the Tulkun, if any get hit with this they are marked for death, do you understand?" He said in an even more serious tone now.
My father and mother exchanged looks, my mother hung her head in defeat.
"Tell the Tulkun! Now!" My father ordered.
"Go now!" My mother interjected.

In my peripheral vision I noticed Lo'ak stalk away to the docks, Neteyam following behind him. This wasn't going to end well I sensed.
Very quickly, Lo'ak had jumped in the water, much to Neteyam's dismay.
Everyone else had gathered in confusion, my brother giving me a confused glance.
"We need to go now, Lo'ak has gone to warn Payakan!" Neteyam yelled.
Calling Pearl quickly, I hopped on as we all swam after him.
Neteyam and Reya called out his name desperately trying to get him back before he did anything he regretted.

As we neared Lo'ak I noticed Payakan surface, but he sounded extremely distressed. Coming into view I understood why, he had a tracker on his back.
"Shit." I mumbled as we all hurried to assist Lo'ak in getting the tracker off. Neteyam got on first, grabbing helping Aonung up first then me shortly after.
My heart was racing, watching as we all struggled to get the tracker out. In the corner of my eye I noticed the sky people's demon machinery speeding towards us, my eyes widened at the sight.
"Fuck, guys we need to hurry!" I yelled putting more force into trying to pry it away.
"Lo'ak call dad, now!" Neteyam practically ordered.
"Dad dad, we need help. Payakan has been hit with a tracker and the sky people are heading towards us now! Everyone's here, we are at three brothers rocks." Lo'ak said quickly.
Neteyam attacked a rope to the tracker, swimming forward with his Ilu in order to try apply more force.
"Pull!" I shouted frantically watching at the vehicle neared closer and closer.

The tracker finally detached from Payakan who let out a long squeal. Lo'ak urged Payakan to dive.
"Go go go! Now!" Neteyam said, "I'll draw them away."
"Be careful Neteyam!" I said seriously, looking at him in the eyes.
"I will be, now go!" He urged.
Getting on pearl we dived down to evade the submarines that had been deployed from the ship.

We hid in the seaweed quietly, watched as they swam above us. My whole body shook with nerves as I looked around for any sign of danger. I was also praying to Eywa that Neteyam was okay too.
Noticing a flickering light nearby, my eyes widened as I realised the sky people had found us.
Signalling to the others to move, we all dashed away, weaving through the seaweed hoping they would lose track of us. Looking around for a moment I soon realised that we would have to ditch our Ilu as a distraction.
As we dashed away, I saw Kiri lose grip on Tuk who bashed into one of the machines. My eyes widened as I quickly turned around to get her, knowing I wouldn't leave her behind. Grabbing her hand and pulling her close I hopped off my Ilu swiftly, the machines going after it swiftly allowing us time to get to an air pocket.
Silence filled the air as we gasped for breath before Tuk screamed in fright as the water splashed below us revealing Lo'ak and Reya.
Looking down I realised that the lights of the machines were nearing closer.
"Guys we need to go now!" I shouted.
They all nodded, taking a deep breath and diving back down once again, fearing for our lives. As we swerved corners to try keep away from them, we swam quickly in fear of being cornered.
But as we swam, I heard the sound of something deploying which I soon found out to be a net which tangled us together besides Lo'ak who tried to pry it open with his knife. The girls shouted to cut the next quickly but I knew he would not be able to cut it in time..

As we landed on the ship's floor, I noticed many Na'vi dressed in what I assumed was Military uniform. They all shouted orders at us as we raised our knives defensively, hissing and throwing around threats.
"Put the knife down!" One yelled at me, before he caused me to stumble to the floor.
One grabbed me roughly, kicking in my knees in order for me to be restrained.
"Let me go you freak!" I yelled.
"Be quiet little girl." The man yelled back tugging on my hair before grabbing me and tying me and the others to the ship with some sort of weird tool.
It was no use trying to pry ourselves away, the material used was strong.

My heart pounded in my chest as I looked over at my sister who looked utterly terrified.
"Mawey (be calm) dear sister, Mawey." I said trying to reassure her.
"Deep breathes everyone, be calm." I instructed.

"Shut up girl before I make you." One of the men shouted, the feeling of what I assumed was a gun pointed at the back of my head.
"No no don't hurt her please!" I sister yelled desperately.
"Stop, don't do anything to her!" Lo'ak shouted frantically.
The man didn't pull the gun away from my head, but I stayed silent, not uttering another word.. as I feared for my life.

Please Eywa, save us..
It's getting action packed now...
Thank you all for the support on this too!
-Author out

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