4. Injuries

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Running up to assess the situation I noticed Aonung and his friends pushing Lo'ak around making fun of him for how he looks. Calling him names and trying to push him around. Lo'ak just tried to protect his sister. He was not getting too physical, putting a barrier between him and the others.
"Leave us alone!" Kiri interjected trying to do something, anything to help.
Neteyam and I looked at each other worriedly. We paced quickly towards them, Neteyam slightly ahead.
"AONUNG!" I shouted, getting his attention. Neteyam stepped between Lo'ak and Aonung.
"You heard what they said, leave them alone." He said darkly.
Aonung tilted his head looking at him.
"Back.. up." He said aggressively.
Aonung stared at him, a smirk on his face. He held up at his hands in the air, as a surrender.
My shoulders relaxed slightly, thinking that the situation was dealt with.

But Lo'ak started provoking Aonung to Neteyam's dismay. He was showing something to Aonung with his hands, Aonung looking genuinely interested too. Suddenly Lo'ak punched my brother square in the jaw, making my eyes go wide as Aonung stumbled backwards. Neteyam gave me a look as though to say sorry before proceeding to help protect his brother in the brawl. I understood completely. I would do the same, but decided not to get involved in their mess. It was their fight, not mine. They tugged at each other, ears, tails, arms anything they could grab. The commotion was only getting louder and louder.

In the moment I walked off, not wanting to get yelled at by my parents for something I didn't do. I looked over at Kiri giving her a look that suggested she do the same.

After the commotion, both Rotxo and Aonung approached me, plagued with bruises.
Shaking my head, I sat them down, before slapping them both on the back of their heads.
"Hey what was that for!" Rotxo complained rubbing his head.
"Skxawng! (moron), The both of you! So stupid." I disciplined the two.
"The forest boy punched first!" Rotxo interjected.
"And? You decided to pick on his sister you idiot. And you Aonung, I expected better from you at least 'big brother', act your age." He hung his head slightly.
"Now both of you are going to listen to me carefully," I said leaning down to their level, "You will say sorry to Kiri, Lo'ak and Neteyam, and if I catch you do anything else, I will deal with you myself."
"Why are you so protective over them Y/n? Whats the deal?" Aonung decided to interject, making me more annoyed.
"Because Aonung they are our guests, and this was not how you were raised to treat guests. Now go, do whatever you need to do." I mumbled.
The two walked off without another word.

As much as I loved those two, they did do my head in. I knew they would both get an even bigger discipline by my parents. I just hoped they wouldn't do anything stupid once again. From afar I noticed Neteyam leaving his hut. He saw me, and I waved him over.

He approached me with a busted lip and slight black eye. I suppressed a laugh.
"I know you want to protect Lo'ak and all, but like that was his fault. I'm surprised Aonung listened to you in the First place." I chuckled.
"Well, I had to do something." He retorted.
"Yeah, now you're battered and bruised."
"Nothing I can't handle" he shrugged but winced once I applied some ice.
"Uh huh, very strong." I teased.
"Shut up." He nudged me slightly.
"So daring warrior, you used to get into fights?" I asked out of curiosity.
"I mean, we trained a lot back home, so it's more I am prepared than used to it."
I hummed in response, "Well try to be careful, you don't want to be on Aonung's bad side, trust me." I warned.
"I will do my best." He chuckled.
"I would stick to staring at the stars." I laughed.
"Uh huh, how smart, even Eywa would be impressed." He teased back.
"How rude Neteyam, I would expect better from an older brother," I said sarcastically.
"Wow wow, how insulting." He decided to continue the playfulness.
"Well, that just adds to my charm." I flaunted.
"Yes the charm that does not shine." He jokingly insulted.
Gasping dramatically I kept tending to his wounds, as the air around us went silent. I purposelessly pressed the ice on his lip with more pressure making him hiss slightly.
"Don't mess with the medic." I whispered.
"Noted." He muttered, still with a smile.

The air around us filled with silence, a comfortable silence. Sounds of crashing waves made the environment even more serine. Whilst tending to his wounds, I caught him staring up at the stars again. His eye glistened, staring still in awe.  It was odd how effortlessly we could speak, as though we had known each other for years. Of course I wasn't complaining, the feeling of a new friendship made me feel joyous inside. Looking at him again, I retracted the ice from his lip, he looked at me for a moment, giving me a wide smile. A smile so pure and sweet.

He was growing on me.


A bit wholesome towards the end
-Author out 

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