16. The Tulkun

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"Y/n! Get up quickly!" I heard Reya say as she shook me awake.
"Hm? Reya I'm trying to sleep." I mumbled.
"Our spirit brothers and sisters have returned!"
Opening my eyes quickly, my brain processed what she had just said.
"Wait really?" I asked my eyes wide in awe.
"Yes! Come on!" She said excitedly grabbing my hands and pulling me up, "we need to tell the others!"

Getting on our ilu we rode around everyone's huts to tell them that our brothers and sisters have returned. Neteyam and Lo'ak excited their huts their eyes wide at the scene before them.
"Neteyam!" I shouted over the loud noise, beckoning for him to get on.
Lo'ak got on the back of Reya's Ilu and dashed away whilst I was close behind them.

"Where are we going?" Neteyam asked loudly over the roaring noise of the water.
"You get to meet my Spirit sister! She's one of the the Tulkun over there." I pointed excitedly, "I haven't seen her in so long."
"I look forward to meeting her." He happily said as we came to a stop.
Diving down, I was greeted with happy clicks and squeals by my spirit sister, Ruwa.
"Ruwa, how are you spirit sister?" I signed.
"I am well. Who is this?" Gesturing to Neteyam.
"A friend! A very close friend. His name is Neteyam." I signed back.
"Nice to meet you Ruwa," Neteyam signed.
"He seems nice." Ruwa clicked.
"He really is a lovely boy." I smiled, signing to her.
"How do you feel about him?" She teased.
"I'm not sure, but I know he is special to me." I signed back shyly.

"He's different but I don't think that changes your mind much about him."
"Not at all." I signed truthfully.
Turning to Neteyam, I noticed he looked very shy to approach Ruwa. Smiling, I beckoned him to come over, pressing my hand and head against Ruwa lovingly.
"You can come closer." I signed to him.
"I don't want to ruin your moment." He signed back making me smile even more.
Swimming over to him I lightly grabbed his wrist and made him lay his hand on Ruwa gently. Ruwa squealed with content, happy with the interaction.
"He's a gentlemen." She mentioned.
"Tell me about it." I signed teasingly.

My time spent with Ruwa was something I would remember for a long time. I noticed Reya sign to hers "I met a boy." Making me happy knowing she is sharing her intimate feelings. Aonung was messing about with his, doing somersaults in the water and his spirit brother copying him. Jake and Neytiri looked entranced by them. They looked over at me and Ruwa and I gave them a friendly wave. Ruwa mimicked my wave playfully making the couple grin. In addition I knew the Tulkun's breeding cycle was arriving soon, I prayed that she would be able to have a calf of her own soon. I knew she would be the best mother.

I knew that later on Lo'ak would be going to visit Payakan and as much as I knew others would tell him not to, Payakan never attacked me, so I respected him for such thing. At some point I would have to ask Lo'ak about Payakan though, I was wondering if the Tulkun was doing okay due to the other Tulkun returning.

Once I returned to the beach, I went to my hut for some alone time, but unfortunately that alone time was short lived. I was greeted by one of the adults I had seen around many times, he looked frantic.
"What brings you here?" I asked getting up.
"Is your mother here?" He asked looking around.
"No, she is still with her spirit sister. Why do you need her?" I questioned.
"One of the warriors fell off their Skimwing and they crashed their wrist into some rocks. We think it's dislocated." He said.
"Ah, I could assist if you want. I know how to deal with dislocations and fractures." I suggested.
He nodded quickly in agreement. I grabbed my things before making my way to the scene.

I could tell he wanted to remain calm but any dislocation would hurt massively.
Inspecting the dislocation, I noticed it wasn't horrible but it would hurt quite badly. A woman who I assumed was his mate gripped his other hand for support against the pain.
"I need you to keep still for me, this will be very quick." I said reassuringly, the man nodded trying not to move too much.
Looking at the wrist one more time, I moved the joint slightly before snapping it back into place, the man grunted at the sudden motion.
"Okay, that seems to have worked, just keep moving the joint so there's better blood flow and you should be fine to fly again. Just make sure your Skimwing is okay too." I suggested.
"Thank you Y/n, I will let your mother know what you did." He said nodding in thanks.
"My pleasure, let me know if you need anything else." I said before leaving.

Turning on my heel to leave I saw Neteyam look away quickly as though he had been watching the whole scene. Laughing to myself I went over to greet the boy.
"Was someone staring?" I teased.
"Maybe, I never knew you could do things like that." He commented.
"Well when your mother is the Tsahìk you learn a thing or two." I laughed.
"Impressive, at least I will know who to go to from now on."
"Yes I will rescue you." I said sarcastically.
"You owe me after I saved you." He winked making me roll my eyes trying to hide my smile.
"Yes yes of course Sir Neteyam." I nudged him to the side.

A group of children ran between us suddenly causing me to trip as I tried to get out the way suddenly. Closing my eyes waiting to hit the floor, I felt a hand grip my arm tightly. Neteyam had the biggest smirk on his face.
"See, rescuing you from your impending doom once again." He said pulling me up.
"Shut up." I said trying to hide my flushed cheeks, "I can still beat you in a race." I mumbled.
"Would you like to test that theory?" He tested.

Setting our Ilu side my side we prepared to race from that point all the way to the end of the beach.
"You ready to lose?" I teased.
"We will see about that." He said tightening his grip on the handle of the saddle.
We both dashed forward, swerving in and out of the coral. Jumping out dramatically out of the water in synch we both laughed before diving back in. I weaved between some coral and rocks before noticing that him and I were neck and neck. Surging forward I twirled before jumping over Neteyam who looked at me with wide eyes at my neat little trick before crossing the finish line. Once again a second before him.
"And once again the 'sea woman' wins again." Now it was my turn to smirk.
"Fair play, maybe I shouldn't test the sea woman after all." He joked.
"You really shouldn't." I laughed.

Feeling a drop of water on my cheek, I looked up to see rain clouds forming above us. Wading in the water I took in the pure water on my skin, the feeling soothing.
"Hey Y/n,"
"Think fast." He said before splashing some water in my face. The rain started to intensify slightly making it even more difficult to concentrate.
"Listen here forest boy." I said splashing the water back.
"Come here then if you want to take me on." He joked.
I took him up on the offer, practically tackling him down into the water. The rain pattered against the water softly as we dashed and splashed in the water.
I had a grip on his wrist trying to keep him down but he overpowered me, quickly kicking my legs from under me and getting me on my back. Getting up slightly to get some air, I splashed some water in his face with my free hand which caught him off guard.
"Hey not fair." He joked trying to tackle me again.
"Oh no you don't!" I chuckled before dodging his tackle.
"Damn you're nimble even in the water." He laughed making me laugh in turn.
I made my way back to the sand twirling around to feel the rain water on my skin. Turning around I caught Neteyam looking at me, with a smile on his face. His eyes sparkled in the rain, the rain droplets looking like small gemstones on his body.
"Come on, let's get inside." I smiled gestating for him to follow me.
As we walked side my side I couldn't help but smile at our previous playing around.

He really made me forget about all worries in the world.

Forget dancing in the rain, I present you playful wrestling in the rain. Hope you guys liked it!
-Author out

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