27. Fight back

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Neteyam turned to me his eyes wide, "Y/n!"
"I'm fine I'm fine, it's just in the arm." I muttered, "Fuck"
"No.." Reya sobbed swimming over to me.
Neteyam pulled me close, Lo'ak called his Ilu so we could get to the surface.
"I've got you, you're gonna be fine." Neteyam said softly as we got onto Lo'ak's ilu before rushing our way to land.
The pain was unbearable, my head was pounding whilst I put pressure on the bullet wound to prevent blood loss.

Jake had landed on the rocks, looking at me in my vulnerable state.
"Dad help, Y/n has been shot!" Lo'ak yelled.
"Shit." He muttered.
Getting me on the rocks, I sat down, taking fast paced breaths trying to bite through the pain.
Neteyam held my close, looking at the bullet wound carefully.
"Is there an exit wound?" Jake asked his son.
Neteyam gently lifted my hand and nodded.
"Okay that means the bullet isn't stuck in her body." He said quickly, looking for something to wrap my arm in.
"I'm fine. I promise." I tried convincing them but there was no use as I couldn't hide my pain.
Neytiri shortly after landed on the rocks, her mouth slightly ajar at all the blood that stained the rocks due to my injuries.
"Keep pressure on the wound okay." Jake said sternly before turning to his wife.
"They have our daughters, I need you to be strong. Strong heart." He said as Neytiri retracted her gaze from me.
Her eyes turned to pure rage at the thought of her daughters being in perilous danger.
"Where are they?" Jake turned to us looking at anyone for answers.
"They are at the moon pool, by the deck area." Spider said.
"What?" Jake said confused at the terminology.
"I'll show you, come on!" Spider said.
"Lo'ak, Tsireya, stay with Y/n. Neteyam, Spider with me now!" Jake ordered.
"I can't leave her." Neteyam said sternly looking at me.
I cupped Neteyam's cheek with my free hand, "Your sisters need you right now, they need their brother in their time of need. Go." I insisted, "I will be fine, just here."
He leaned into my touched for a moment before giving me a kiss on the forehead, "Be safe." He said.
"I will be, now go get your sisters." I said.

They dived away on the Ilu. Lo'ak looked frustrated as he paced up and down the rocks.
The bleeding had slowed ever so slightly, allowing me a moment of relief from the pain. But my mind wondered praying that the others would make it out alive, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if they didn't.

Lo'ak got up from sitting and looked at the two of us, "Stay here, I'm going out now."
"Lo'ak are you crazy!?" Reya exclaimed.
I stood up too, knotting my fabric that was wrapped around my arm so it stayed in position.
"I'm coming with you." I said simply.
"What? No, you're injured are you mad?" Lo'ak now also exclaimed.
"I'm coming with you, I need to help." I retorted, "They need all the help they can get."
He nodded after some convincing, getting on his Ilu.
I turned to my sister, "Stay here and wait to see if anyone else arrives, if you hear any sort of danger dive down and look for Aonung and Rotxo, you understand?"
"Yes I do, please be careful." She said quietly.

Taking a seat behind Lo'ak we dashed to the ship, my mind racing with ideas on how to approach this.
"Lo'ak stay near the water in case any of your siblings come out and need to get out quickly, I will try distract some of the guards so there is less pressure on your parents.
He nodded in agreement, as I jumped off his Ilu and crouched down. In the corner of my eyes I noticed a rogue spear wedged between some metal. Grabbing it, I pulled it out and gripped its handle tight, looking around for any enemy in sight. My arm was still throbbing with pain which I chose to ignore, knowing that even the slightest touch would cause an even bigger amount of agony.
I heard the battle cries of Neytiri from nearby, her voice echoing with pure rage.
As I turned the corner I saw her draw her arrow a man, but behind her was a woman aiming her gun at her. Without thinking I ran up to the woman, stabbing the spear into her stomach before quickly pulling it out.
Neytiri turned around at the noise and looked at me for a moment before looking at the woman dead in front of her.
"Y/n, what are you doing here?" She scolded.
Before I could reply, a huge explosion could be heard from nearby, even more gunfire blaring.
She gestured her head to follow behind her, my spear gripped tightly in my hand.
In the distance I saw Neteyam looking around for Tuk and Kiri frantically as Jake used himself as a distraction to get rid of the other soldiers. I looked up, seeing Neteyam was easily in the line of fire. Grabbing him quickly by the shoulders, I pulled him back causing him to yelp in surprise.
His eyes widened as he made eye contact with me.
"What are you doing here, are you insane!" He whisper-yelled.
"I have had many people call me that today." I retorted.
"That doesn't answer my question."
"I'm here to help you, now comes on, we need to find your sisters." I said quickly.
He gazed at my arm wound, looking at the blood that had stained the fabric.
"I'm fine, I know you're worried but I will be fine. You trust me right?" I asked.
"I trust you with my life."
"Good, then let's get your sisters back." I said with a look of determination.

Another explosion echoed through the ship, causing my ears to ring. Looking around, I saw Spider hiding in a corner, Neytiri was nearby searching for any other enemies to attack. She glared at her bow, as the wooden component snapped in two. Dropping the bow to her feet, she retracted her knife, even more ready than before to attack.

The time was now.. to end this.
It's getting tense
-author out

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