22. Competition

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I had been waiting for this day the whole year, a day of fun and competition that allowed my competitiveness to shine through, especially against Aonung who was just as competitive as I.

Excitedly we gathered around my father who obviously was the instigator of today.
"Today is a day we all look forward to each year! Full of adrenaline, fun and competition. We come together today to participate in the MetKayina races!"
A collective cheer echoed across the plain, everyone's spirits were high in anticipation.

"Wait, what's the MetKayina races?" Lo'ak asked me, Neteyam looked just as confused.
"It's a set of races across the water. The adults race on their Skimwings and we have the youth race on the Ilu. You want to compete?" I asked.
"Oh hell yeah!" They both said making me laugh.
"Aonung won last year and I am determined to win this year." I said seriously.
"You really seem excited." Kiri laughed coming up to us.
"I definitely am, I am so ready." I said practically jumping up and down, "Is your dad taking part?" I asked them.
"I think so, even though he may embarrass himself." Kiri joked.
"You never know, these two boys may mess up as well." I said light heartedly.
"Oh we will see about that!" Neteyam crossed his arms dramatically.
"Yes we will see!" I said back getting near his face.
His breath hitched for a second at the closeness which amused me, "Indeed we will." He whispered.

Gathering at the beach, we lined up ready for the adult race first. My father, Jake and some other familiar people lined up on their Skimwings ready for the race to begin.
"Go on dad you got this!" Aonung shouted.
"Come on dad!" I yelled loudly.
"Yes dad!" Neteyam and Lo'ak said in unison towards Jake too.
Reya and I were jumping up and down in excitement watching as my mother held the horn which would start the race.
"Riders, get ready!" My mother yelled, getting ready to blow the horn.
As she sounded the horn, water splashed in our faces as they all immediately dashed forward suddenly.

We all shouted and cheered as we rooted for our fathers. The atmosphere was wild and I knew the course was long compared to the youth race course. An idea popped into my head as we now waited, knowing they would be a while.
"Neteyam! Can we get your Ikran to watch the race?" I asked.
He turned to his mother who had a small smile on her face and nodded.
A big grin appeared on his face as he called for his Ikran, his hand lightly around my wrist.
"Come on little bro!" He said to Lo'ak who pulled Aonung and Reya behind him.
Neteyam helped me on his ikran, "You ready?" He asked.
Holding onto him tight I nodded, "Let's go." I chuckled.

Soaring in the sky, we flew to view the race in action.
My father was ahead, Jake being in third place.
"Woohoo go on dad!" I shouted from above. He looked up for a moment, a large smile on his face as he saw me.
"You're going great dad!" Neteyam yelled at Jake who also looked up laughing at the sight.
"You got this Mr Sully!" I shouted too making Neteyam grin.
"Hell yeah dad!" Aonung shouted enthusiastically.
The energy in the air was so uplifting, my adrenaline on a constant high.

They finally turned around to head back, the end of the race was now drawing near. My father and someone else were neck and neck.
I was practically on the edge of my seat, my heart rate on an all time high.
And with one last push towards the end, my father dived down and out of the water, crossing the finishing line, someone close behind him too. Shortly after Jake landed up fourth in the race out of around 15 people.
Landing back on the sand, Reya and I ran up to our father to give him a hug to congratulate him.
"You did amazing!" I said with a smile.
"Nice job dad." Aonung laughed.
I looked to my left to see Neytiri hugging Jake giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
Neteyam, Lo'ak and Kiri all congratulated their father whilst Tuk jumped into Jake's arm giving him a hug too.
Smiling at the family, I turned to Aonung with a smirk on my face, "You ready to lose?"
"No, because I won't." He said confidently, little did he know how much I had been practicing.

Lining up side by side, we all sat on our Ilu's ready for the race. I could not contain my excitement as I looked around, very was watching us and I couldn't be happier. Jake and Neytiri got ready with their Ikran from a distance. My father and Mother were most likely prepared to follow soon after the race started.
"Riders.. get ready!" My mother yelled yet again, horn in hand.
The sound blared in my ears causing me to tighten my grip on my saddle before diving down instantly. Blocking out everyone else for a moment, I weaved through the coral as quickly as I can. I made sure to encourage Pearl, stroking the top of her head quickly to tell her shes doing well. As I jumped up I heard the cheers from both my parents and also Jake and Neytiri.
"Come on Y/n! Yes Aonung!" My father shouted from above.
"Keep going Lo'ak! You have this Neteyam!" Jake shouted, I could tell he was as competitive as I.
"Yes Y/n!" I heard Neytiri shout making me smile, "You're doing so well boys!"

Aonung was just ahead of me, but I was confident that I could still win. Getting to the turning point of the race, I dived down for a while, longer than usual before jumping up higher than before, causing a surge in momentum before I quickly passed Aonung.
As I dodged the coral swiftly I could see the finish in my sights, a bright smile on my face.
And as I crossed the line, clapping and cries of cheer erupted from everyone. Aonung came up closely behind me, and surprisingly Neteyam came third.

Getting out of the water, Aonung looked at me with a smirk on his face as he rolled his eyes, lifting up his hand for a high five which I happily returned.
"Damn Y/n, that was impressive." He joked.
"Why thank you brother." I smirked.
My father scooped us up into a huge hug practically suffocating us before putting us down.
"You did amazing you two, I am so so proud!" My mother said proudly.
"You take after me." My father laughed.

Turning to Neteyam I went over to congratulate the boy.
"Well done! You did so well, obviously I won tho as I predicted." I sarcastically remarked.
"Indeed you did expected from the 'sea woman' obviously." He teased.
"Uh huh, well you didn't do too bad yourself for a forest boy." I winked.

He flashed me a smile before we turned to walk back to our huts for an extra exciting dinner.
"Still need to do that tree climbing race you know." Neteyam commented.
"In your dreams forest boy." I whispered before walking to my family, I could hear him laugh softly as I turned away.

When did he become so charming?

Love a bit of action and competitiveness haha. Hope you guys like it!
-Author out

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