5. Girl talk

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As the morning sun arrived, the first thing on my agenda was heading to the Sully household. Heading there I thought about yesterday. Being still annoyed at my brother lingered in my head, I don't like to stay mad at him, but he had no right to insult them. For the time being I had avoided him, which he seemed to have noticed. Reya had also noticed the tension between us, but I guess that would be up for discussion later.

Luckily when I arrived the person I was looking for was there.
"I see you." I greeted to Jake, Neytiri, Kiri and Tuk.
"Good morning, what brings you here?" Jake asked me, gesturing his greeting too.
"I just wanted to talk to Kiri, if thats okay."
"Of course," Neytiri smiled at me.
Kiri looked up at me, getting up from where she sat.

Gently, I clasped her one hand, looking at her intently, "Kiri, on the behalf of Aonung and Rotxo I wanted to apologise for their behaviour. In no way shape or form was it acceptable and I want you to know if they do such thing again.. you come straight to me. I will be able to deal with them myself. I have also asked them to personally apologise to you and your siblings too."
She looked at me as though shocked by the sudden apology, but her lips formed a soft smile.
"Thank you, it means a lot to feel accepted by someone." She said softly.
"Of course, you all deserve acceptance, I see no difference between you and I." Every word was sincere.
Neytiri and Jake shared a smile, bowing their head slightly in thanks.
"If any of you need anything, I am happy to help." I said before my departure.

Now that that was out of the way, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders almost, feeling at ease that I did what I wanted to do. Internally I was slightly disappointed to have not seen Neteyam, but then again there would always be other opportunities.

Sitting at the edge of the beach, I clasped my hands together. Taking in nature around me. I longed for another exploration of the forest, but my parents had to give me permission to do so. And with everything that was going on, I didn't want to bug them. There were so many things I wanted to learn. How to shoot a bow, how to make a bow, how to use daggers effectively, anything like that. In a way, I guess that is why I respected the Sully's so much. It was due to the fact that I knew how much strength mentally and physically it took to learn these skills. It was certainly admirable.

Feeling a presence behind me I turned around, my sister standing before me.
"Good morning sister." I said, giving her the opportunity to sit next to me.
"I heard what happened. Aonung complained about your scolding." She said, sitting next to me.
Rolling my eyes, I picked up a stone and tossed it into the sea.
"Of course he did," I scoffed, "What he did was wrong."
"I am not disagreeing with you their Y/n, I pray that Aonung and Rotxo do apologise."
"Me too, or they are getting another scolding from me." I mumbled making her laugh.
"Anything else on your mind dear sister?" She asked me sincerely.
Pondering the thought for a moment, I thought of Neteyam, but decided not to mention that just yet.
"Just the usual worries Reya, but they are not that much of a bother. But I do have a question for you."
"And that is?" She questioned.
"What's going on with you and Lo'ak huh?" I teased.
Immediately she became embarrassed, stumbling over her words.
"H-he's a lovely boy, a fast learner even." She muttered.
"Come on Reya, I can read you like a book." I nudged her. 9
"I mean he is so sweet and kind and he actually listens to me too. Plus when I heard how he protected Kiri it warmed my heart."
"Awww, you like him." I teased her a bit.
"Maybe I do, I don't know!" She said putting her head in her hands, hiding her blush.
"Don't worry I won't tell a soul even though it's painfully obvious." I laughed.

I decided to keep silent, allowing her to rant and talk about Lo'ak for as long as she wanted. It was rare for us to have so much time together so I wanted to take advantage of it. She spoke of him in such a positive light, no negativity whatsoever. I could tell how fond of him she was, and I was of course supportive of her little crush. Like any sister would however I told her to be careful, and not to do anything stupid, and also not to tell him just yet. Wait for the right moment type of thing.

Shortly after she left to speak with our mother about something. Leaving me to wonder the beach alone. Until I was invited for my next activity of the day.

"Y/n! Can you do Kiri's hair like you did mine?" Tuk asked me, a wide smile on her face.
I chuckled at her enthusiasm, "Of course Tuk, lead the way."
When arriving in their home, now for the second time today I gave them a smile in greeting. Everyone except the two boys were home.
Sitting behind Kiri I delicately placed a few small shells in her hair, braiding longer hair at the front.
Now and again I would catch a gaze at the trees behind our village, that feeling of wanting to explore still imbedded in my stomach. Wanting to feel the leaves of the trees again and look at all the animals that roamed up above and down below.
"Y/n, you seem to be thinking a lot today, are you alright?" Kiri asked me.
"Of course yes, just thinking as usual." I smiled.
"What about?" Tuk asked me. It seemed the whole family had sat down to listen to me.
"Well, it has been some time since I was allowed to explore the forests, and well I miss it. I don't know why but I do." Admittedly the feeling never died down.
Neytiri smiled at me, "I am the same, I miss the feeling too. But safety outweighs all." She sighed, Jake slung his arm around her in a way to comfort her.
"I understand Neytiri, but Eywa has brought you to us. Trusting her guidance is the best we can do." I reassured her which she acknowledged.

After some time I finally finished Kiri's hair, admiring the delicate details that I put in.
"All done." I said, getting up from my seat.
She spun around, a wide grin on her face.
"Thank you Y/n," she said clasping my hands for a moment in gratitude.
"Of course, it was my pleasure."
Jake and Neytiri glanced at me too. Their smiles beamed with thankfulness, I think their kids needed the distraction too.

The moment however was short lived, as Neteyam burst through the door. He momentarily acknowledged I was there, but he looked furious. In front of him was Aonung. Neteyam had a tight grip on the back of his neck. I glared at Aonung, my heart sinking slightly.
"Tell them what you told me," Neteyam's dark tone appearing again.
What had he done now...
I hope all of you are well and enjoying this book! It's a filler chapter really, but I quite enjoy it,

-Author out

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