28. Family

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Neteyam gestured for me to go right and him to go left in order to cover more ground. I didn't want to leave his side but at the same time I did not want to argue.
Crouching down, I silently made my way around, looking for the supposed 'moon pool' that Spider talked about. The gunfire continued to blare in my ears as I got closer and closer to its source.

Hearing a presence behind me I whipped my head around suddenly, one of the Na'vi soldiers was aiming his gun straight at me. I rolled away from the gunfire, trying to avoid the pain in my arm before feeling a bullet graze my side, but did not make a dent.
Hissing in pain, I cried out throwing my spear straight into the mans stomach, causing him to stumble back. Quickly running to him I took the the spear out and stabbed him again for good measure. Looking down at the new bleeding wound, I sighed in relief knowing that it could have ended up much worse in the end.

Heading over once again towards the line of fire, I scoured the area in search of Tuk and Kiri. Instead however I was met with Jake running and ducking to try avoid the gunfire, his axe in hand.
He turned towards me, looking at me with his mouth slightly ajar.
"Kid what are you doing here?!" He shouted, grabbing me so that I had cover.
"I wasn't leaving you guys," I muttered.
He looked down towards the new scar, and it seemed he knew what that signified.
"You've escaped death kid, thats gonna leave a nasty scar."
"Oh I know, I thank Eywa for that." I said softly.
"Spider said that Tuk and Kiri are being held that way," gesturing to the right, I could see a glimpse of the moon pool in the distance, "Keep crouched as at all times you hear me?"
I nodded, following his lead as we ran to the moon pool. I could hear Neytiri taking care of the last guards, her cries of rage ringing through the ship.

Tuk and Kiri finally came into view, they sighed in relief seeing the two of us.
"Dad!" Tuk said on the verge of tears fearfully.
"It's okay, you're okay." He reassured, cutting them loose, "Where's Quaritch?" He asked wearily.
Kiri pointed to her right, near a sharp corner.
I gripped my knife in my hand, watching as Jake edged his way slowly towards the corner.
"Stay behind me kids," he muttered.

My eyes widened, my heart dropping as Quaritch turned the corner, holding Neteyam at knife point.
"I almost killed him once, now's my chance to kill him right here, right now!" He yelled.
"No no don't hurt him." I pleaded.
"Y/n, don't come any closer." Neteyam muttered. Quaritch removed the knife for a split second, revealing a small cut, dripping with blood.
"Come on Jake, don't you want this to end. Even shes bleeding as we speak, she was shot twice, I can shoot her again." He stared daggers into my eyes.
Jake looked at him and then me and back at him again, being cautious of his next actions.
My mind was racing, my heart was aching at the sight. I couldn't think of what to do at all, for once my mind went blank.

Jake edged closer for a second, Quaritch reacted by stabbing the knife right into Neteyam's shoulder.
"NO STOP, PLEASE!" I cried out, watching at he writhed in pain, gritting his teeth.
"DON'T TEST ME JAKE SULLY! Drop your weapons now. Both of you.." he looked at me too.
Immediately I dropped my knife and spear, waiting anxiously as Jake dropped his too.
"Kick em away!"
"No no dad don't." Neteyam said softly, still grunting in pain.
We both obliged, kicking them away swiftly.
"Now tie yourself to the railing." He said throwing one of the cuffs towards Jake.
Tuk and Kiri hid behind me in fear as we watched Jake pick it up.
"You're fucked up Quaritch." Jake exclaimed.
Before I even proceeded that, Neytiri came out of nowhere, with Spider at knife point. My eyes widened, as Kiri lunged for Spider. I grabbed her wrist pulling her back for her own safety.
"Don't hurt her please, mom please." She cried out.
"You cut, I cut.." She said darkly.
"You think I care about some kid, he's not mine. We aren't even the same species." He muttered nonchalantly.
Neytiri suddenly sliced part of Spiders chest, causing Spider to grunt ever so slightly at the pain.
"I cut." Her words dripped with vengeance,

"A son for a son."

She gestured to Neteyam being held captive.
Neytiri grabbed him even tighter, before going to cut even deeper before Quaritch let Neteyam go, pushing him to the floor.
"Neteyam!" Tuk shouted with a hint of relief behind the poor girl's words.

Without even thinking I ran to Neteyam, hovering over him as Quaritch stared at me. I bared my teeth at him, before looking down at Neteyam and his wounds.
Kiri and I helped him to his feet, allowing him to gain his balance again.
Tuk tugged on her mum, urging her to leave.
"I owe you a death." Quaritch shouted pointing at Spider.
I made my way over to the water, walking closely be Neteyam who was breathing heavily. I was so grateful the knife hadn't hit any vital organs.
"I will keep coming back Jake, and I will be sure to kill your whole family, even her." He pointed at me. Neteyam gave him a dark look, pulling me behind him protectively.
"Let's end this now then." He said simply before charging towards Quaritch.

We all stepped back as they fought, punching, kicking, biting even. Tuk tugged her mother again, telling her that we needed to go. But soon, the oil leak from the ship caused flames to erupt, blocking our exit point. Spider grabbed Kiri's hand as we all turned around. Tuk stepped into a section of high water pressure, the pressure being too much for Neytiri causing Tuk to fly down the drain.
"NO!" Neytiri cried out, diving down after her child.

"We gotta go now!" Spider shouted urging us to keep going.
The ship rumbled with a creaking noise, my mind clicked that the ship was turning over.
"Guys we need to move!" I yelled, picking up the pace.
We all kept running, my bandage slowly falling off my arm due to the water but it was the least of my problems. Neteyam ran by my side, gripping his shoulder as we ran, the ship slowly tipping ever so slightly. I looked back one more time at the fight going on between Jake and Quaritch before taking one large jump as the ship reached its peak before crashing downwards, fully tipped over now.
"Go go go, we need to find Lo'ak!" Spider shouted.

Lo'ak and his Ilu soon came into view, his eyes widening at all our injuries.
We landed on the rocks, I set Neteyam down gently, inspecting the wound carefully.
He clasped his hand in mine as I looked at it, I sighed in relief knowing he was safe. But now we had more things to attend to.
"Reya, can you look after him?" I asked.
"Of course sister, where are you going?" She question frantically.
"We need to get the others," I said simply but I felt a hand wrap around my wrist as I tried getting up.
"I can't lose you Y/n, don't go please." Neteyam pleaded, "You're injured as it is."
"I'm fine Neteyam, I can still walk. We need to find your parents and Tuk okay, you need to stay here and rest."
"You're just as injured as me." He retaliated.
"I'm okay Neteyam, stay here, and we will be back soon, I promise."
He kissed my head softly, gripping my hand tightly again before letting me go, "I love you."
"I love you too." I whispered before getting up and hopping on Lo'ak's ilu.

The final stretch was near..

So much action omg
-Author out

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