21. Storm

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I had always known that the usual hunting grounds for the Metkayina was near Three Brother's Rocks, so once we headed arrived we devised a plan to split up and have a look around.
During the search I couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness that shot through my body. Ever since having to get Lo'ak the thought of an Akula attacking at any moment scared me. It caused me to turn around at random moments in fear of being caught off guard. I tried to make sure it did not bother me too much as I knew I had to get this done.
"Found anything yet!?" Neteyam yelled from across the water.
"No I haven't! We still have time tho!" I yelled back before diving back into the water.

Feeling as though nothing was turning up I came back from under the water catching my breath for a minute. Neteyam rode over to me, empty handed too.
"It may have washed up on shore?" I suggested pointing to the sandy beach near the rocks.
"It's possible, should we go look?" He asked.
"Yeah, I can't keep holding my breath for too long either." I admitted.

As we arrived on shore we looked around for a period of time on the beach, looking at ever grain like our life depended on it. After some time I checked the rocks with Neteyam too. With every step I took he held my arm in case a wave came crashing in or I accidentally slipped. I smiled at his kindness and care before looking down once more, and spotting a spot of what looked like red and blue.
Bending down I reached for it, clasping it in my hands. My eyes widened as I got a better look at it.
I turned around with a smile on my face, looking at Neteyam. In my hand was the bracelet, somehow still in one piece.

Neteyam helped me off the rocks before I secured it on my wrist to make sure I didn't lose it.
"You have a keen eye." He laughed.
"Why thank you forest boy." I winked playfully.
"Ready to head back?" He asked me and I nodded enthusiastically.

As we headed back, we decided to take the ride slow, since we had plenty of time before we had to return luckily.
"Can I ask a question?" I asked, as we rode side by side.
"Of course."
"What did you think of me when you first saw me? I know it's random but I have been curious for a while." I asked simply.

He stayed silent for a moment, contemplating for a moment.
"Meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time and knowing it would be my favourite. You were strong, an admirable individual I could tell from just looking at you. You were polite and even though you didn't know me or Lo'ak, you stood up for us and the way you were patient with us from the beginning meant the world. The way you helped my family and protected Tuk with your life was one of the most courageous things I had ever seen in the eye of danger. You made sure no one got in your way and faced it head on, your words struck life knives. But most of all when I first laid my eyes on you I knew that you were special, and I knew that you would be someone who treated everyone around them right."

My eyes widened at his explanation, my brain running with so many thoughts and feelings I had never felt before.
"Wow.. no one has ever said anything like that about me before. That means a lot, thank you."
"Y/n, I-."

Before I could enjoy the moment any longer, I noticed the clouds darkening ever so slightly. A crack of thunder echoed across the water.
"Oh shit." I muttered, "A storm is rolling in, we need to go now!" I yelled.
Diving down, I realised that if the lightning hit the water it would very likely hit us too. I looked to my right, Neteyam had a fearful look on his face, then again so did I.
In the distance I noticed a strike of lightning causing a pit to form in my stomach.
I looked around frantically knowing that we were still far away from home and I wasn't sure if our ilu had the stamina to make it there until the end.

My thoughts were flooded with outcomes of how we were going to get out of this situation, knowing all we could do was swim. Having no land near us and no shelter we were stuck in the middle of the ocean trying to get home.
The thunder echoed across the plain, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. My grip on the saddle became tighter as I could feel Pearl was picking up the pace, she was definitely as scared as I was. Every second I was making sure the bracelet was still on my wrist.

As I jumped out of the water, lightning struck a few metres away from me causing Pearl to squeal in fear and writhe around. My grip on the saddle faltered as I flew backwards into the water and Pearl swam away scared out of her mind. Trying to swim to the top, the waves crashed over me as I tried to get a breath before diving back down. Gasping for air I looked around fearfully, Neteyam not in sight. I tried swimming under the water to avoid the crashing waves above, the thunder still echoing loudly. I feared Neteyam was hurt or had gotten lost, all these thoughts ran through my head causing my heart rate to increases rapidly. In the process I was looking around fearfully at the thought of the Akula coming back, as though it could attack any minute.

I felt a hand grip mine and pull me out the water, the familiar presence caused my shoulders to relax slightly. In the moment I was so relieved that he was okay, but he seemed now more concerned for me.
"Are you okay! Are you hurt?" He shouted over the clap of thunder.
"Yeah I'm fine! Keep going!" I shouted, holding onto his shoulders.
"What happened!?"
"The lightning scared Pearl and I got flung off." I explained my grip tightening as a large wave swooped down upon us.
And in the distance I saw the beach come into view, the familiar huts becoming more clear.
"We made it back." I said with a sigh of relief, my head resting on his back for a small amount of time.

As we got onto the beach we were swarmed by many others around us. Jake and Neytiri had a look at Neteyam whilst my parents let out sighs of relief. My mother gave me a long hug, Reya then did too. Aonung checked for any injuries at all, but I assured them that we were fine.
"Is Pearl her?" I asked looking around.
"She came back a while ago, shes fine dear." My mother reassured me as she could tell I had been worried for her.

The woman from earlier today came up from behind my mother, looking at me with hope in her eyes.
I gave her a smile, taking the bracelet off my hands and handing it to her.
She looked like she was about to cry all over again, looking at the bracelet longingly. Kissing the beads, she put it back on her wrist before clasping both my hands, "Thank you Y/n, you have my eternal gratitude." She smiled, "You too young Neteyam, thank you." She mentioned turning to him.
"You've done a great thing today my daughter, you should be proud. The little things like this is what makes it worth while after all." My father smiled at me, which I happily returned.

Glancing over at Neteyam he looked happy at what he had done, a permanent smile on his face. I could stare at him smiling for hours on end and never get bored.

I wonder what Neteyam was going to say..
-Author out

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