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~Y/n's P.O.D~

Y/N slowly got up and cautiously made sure to make as little noise as possible towards the door. She could smell smoke as it suddenly stung your nostrils. You flinched at this as you stopped turning the door handle.

You opened the door and saw that the whole house was being engulfed by the flames and could could clearly hear the cracking of the wood structure from the house.

You thought it would be best to avoid going to the kitchen to get the fire extinguisher as she saw the bight yellow and red flames dancing through the smoke. 

You turned your head towards the hallway containing your parent's room and  hurried over.

With all this smoke you were worried that your parents would be unconscious.

As you crawled on the floor to avoid inhaling lungs the smoke you quickly opened your parent's room to find the handle was extremely hot.

You flinched as you jerked your hand off then quicky using some excess cloth from your shirt to open the door.

You saw that once again bright flames dancing around her parents room completely surrounding the bed in the center.

You desperately and quickly searched the room when you noticed it was too late.

You noticed the roof above had already collapsed on top of the bed which you assumed had woken you up so abruptly.

You saw a hand dangling from the side of the bed.

 You quickly realized it was her mother's. You knew it was your mother's because that was her usual side and her ring was still there, shining brightly from the glow of the flames.

Your cold demeaner dissapeared and you rushed over to your mother. You took the hot ing off her and gently grabbed her limp hand.

Your eyes widened at the motionless hand and your eyes started to tear up. 

Another part of the roof had collapsed which startled you. You wiped your eyes with your sleeve, your nose still runny. You exited the room and crawled onto the floor before exiting the room.

You got to your room and stumbled trying to get up and running inside your room. Luckily the fire hadn't gone into your room, yet.

Regaining your almost gone balance you swiftly make your way to the window when you saw the flashing lights of red and blue and the sirens wailing through the street.

You were glad that the neighbors had called the police like you anticipated. You climbed onto the window frame and had to jump out.

You fell from the window and stumbled. You wobbled toward the front of the house so you could receive medical attention. 

You breathed heavily as you grabbed your chest tightly as the smoke was burning through your throat and lungs.

Approaching the front you could hear the shouting echoing from the swift workers as they all cooperated to take down the flames.

Your adrenaline rush had stopped so you were suddenly overwhelmed with the sting from your legs all the way to your eyes.

You didn't believe you had any major burns like you read in the books but it still hurt to walk.

A worker spotted your tiny body barely managing to stay on your feet and they swiftly carried you. They started yelling commands and announcing that there was a survivor left.

You got a last glimpse of the small house you called home before falling unconscious.

-----The next day-----

You opened your eyes and sat up to examine around the room. Quickly realizing you were in the hospital you laid back down and looked at the ceiling. 

A man in his maybe 30's walked in. He had a suit on with a silk tie and a silver watch that matched his tie clip.

"Who are you?", you asked when he didn't say anything.

"I'm Honald, nice to meet you" he smiled at you while you kept the straight face.

Your eyes narrowed as you could tell he was trying to tell me something. By the way he was fiddling with his sleeve you could tell he was going to tell you the news of your parents.

"Your parents.... You see....", began Honald.

"I know..." You say, looking outside the window next to your bed.

You softened your face when remembering your parents and looked back at Honald to hear what else he had to say.

He cleared his throat said, "You are going to stay at an orphanage in a small town as we didn't know if you had any relatives, the birth certificates were burned at the house, of course and you fainted.

"If you don't tell us if you have any relatives and we don't find any, you will remain in the orphanage until adoption or until you're old enough."

"You're correct, i don't have any other relatives. My name is Y/N L/N." you said rather quietly towards the end.

He picked those words though and said, "Thank you for the information Y/N" he stared at you sympathetically.

 You were thinking realistically and didn't expect to be adopted. You were cold and weren't know for being sympathetic. 

You were also pretty old to be adopted. Many couples prefer a baby or toddler than a 7 year old child.

You nodded softly and Honald excused himself before exiting the room.

You combed through your hair and remembered the long conversations your mom liked to have during combing your hair. It was mostly her talking while you simply nodded but it was a memory you enjoyed.

It would be a while to get used without your parents, but you started to think about what is going to happen now.

You saw Honald and the doctor talking outside and overheard say that you would be able to be discharged tomorrow. 

You were glad that you didn't have to stay for long since you hated being in a bed doing nothing for hours. 

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