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AN: quick note, I'm very sorry I haven't posted and have disappeared from the face of the Earth but things kept getting in my way and now that things have calmed down and mellowed down i can keep writing. 

 Get it? "Mellowed" and "Mello". Hehe.

I don't have many viewers but I'm forever grateful for the people who have read this book and I'm sorry I kept you guys waiting hope you enjoy pookies!


Near stared right into the small girl's (e/c) orbs with a slight smirk, this was amusing to him.

"Okay I'll tell you. It's because....."started Near.

"Its because you're my competition, that's why. I thought you would know by now." He said leaning back on the wall with his arms crossed, slightly disappointed in her.

You weren't confident in his answer but if he was trying to hide his answer by lying twice even after being cornered than it was better if you dropped it.

You relaxed your shoulders and closed your eyes, slightly frustrated. You sighed and leaned on the wall next to Near who just stared at you with curiosity.

"Even after all that...." Your voice faded.

You were always more stealthy so during the whole confrontation you were nervous and you were disappointed you didn't get anything out of him.

Near seemed to notice this and pieced everything together, his smirk returning as he just pat your head softly and said,

"Good try Y/N, it didn't work on me but it could work on anyone else."

You just dragged your hands down your face. Moments ago it was reeking of tension between the two, but now you both were standing side to side with him comforting you.

You weren't looking for friends but you wouldn't be mad if this Albino haired boy wanted to be your friend.

During the next few weeks it was calm, once the rumors calmed down of course. When the test results came in you were now #1 with Nate, Mello and Matt following close behind.

When Mello saw the results he seemed more mad than he was when you first met. After that he didn't look or talk to you if he could avoid it and you were okay with that.

Matt would bug you once in awhile with his cheerful attitude and you just ignored him most of the time.

Whenever you went to the library you sometimes saw Near there but neither said anything unless it was to help find a book. You both liked each other's silence so you were okay without talking.

-----------A few years later----------

The years went by fast and Nate managed to give you a bit of a competition by scoring higher than you in a number of occasions.

You and Near were both 13 while Matt and Mello were older, during this time you noticed that Near had been growing taller but still kept the slim body with oversized clothing.

You were slightly annoyed that Near had grown taller than you when you had always been slightly taller and stronger, but that wasn't the case anymore.

The headmaster called you, Near and Mello to his office, which you thought something must've happened since he usually didn't need all three of them at the same time. 

Mello was standing tapping his foot impatiently on the left when you got to the office. You walked deeper into the office standing in front of the headmaster when you finally saw Near.

Near was crouching on the floor as he built a jigsaw puzzle that was white, the big white shirt reaching his bottom and the white hair slightly grazing his ear. 

You looked away and glanced at the Headmaster and saw he had a worried face and was fiddling with his thumbs that laid on the desk. 

'He's going to tell us something we won't like' you thought, shifting the weight of your body slightly onto your right foot and eyeing closely the Headmaster. 

"What is it Rodger?" Asked Mello, now that you were in the room. Rodger looked up at you slightly glanced towards Near and Mello, holding his hands up to his chin, looking sorrowful.

"L....is dead"

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