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Y/N's P.O.V

9:00 a.m

9:20 a.m

9:32 a.m

You kept glancing up and down the clock getting impatient while rolling around on the bed.

You finally settled down at 9:44 a.m and twirled your hair playing with it as you thought of random things that popped in your head.

Other than your thoughts speaking, all you could hear is the occasional shuffling from outside, the nurses outside and the ticking of the clock.

You sighed and got up looking around the room for something to entertain your bored mind. You found nothing interesting so you sat on your bed and closed your eyes, simultaneously twirling your hair.

Time skip to 12:00 p.m.

You were sitting at the leg of the hospital bed and was examing the loose screws when you heard the door open You glanced at the clock and knew it was the nurse coming to bring you lunch.

You didn't look at her as you still wanted to examine the screws.

"Um, Y/N? What are you doing on the floor you need to rest. I brought lunch for you. I also came to check any abnormalities you may be having."

Her voice sounded very warm. You saw the more experienced doctors and nurses seemed more angry to be here so you guessed she was rather new to the job or just had a warm personality.

You glanced and stared at her and then at the food tray she had brought along with her. You still held your emotionless face and stood up, wiping you hospital gown you had to wear.

You thanked her and she had you sit on the hospital bed to check your heart rate. After she was done she handed you the tray of food.

"About when will I be realised?" You asked as you set the tray beside the bed.

"Hmm, about 3:00 p.m. Not too long from now." She answered

You nodded, then asked another question, "Do you have any playing cards?"

She thought for a moment and said, "yes in fact I have them in my bag. Why? Do you want to use them?"

You nodded again

"Alright I'll bring them for you, they're pretty old already so you can keep them"

She said as she continued to go towards the door and exited.

After a few minutes she came back with the cards you had asked for, she smiled at you, patted your head and left. 

You were very relieved you had something you could actually do and be entertained for the remaining hours.

You ate then touched the cards, some of them were a little bent and they were held together by a small hair tie. 

The cards were bent and old like the nurse said, but still more than usable.

You looked at the rubber band and it had strands of long blonde hair. You remembered the nurse had a hazelnut shade with short brown hair.

You concluded that she had played with her friends it's also not impossible she has gambled before with these.

You finished your short analysis and went on the ground and started to stack the cards into a pyramid, you were never good at this but you still enjoyed how it kept you occupied.

Time skip to 2:50 p.m

You were putting on the last cards onto the structure when you heard the door open up revealing that the man named Honald had come back.

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