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6:30 a.m. it was still dark, enough to hide you when walking around. The sun arose at 7:30 so you had an hour for a good cover.

You quickly jumped out of bed and made your way through the dark hallway being wary of the wood floor that seemed more louder than in the day.

You knew that it seemed louder because when it was during the day you couldn't hear it, but it did make you more wary from sudden sound under your tiny feet.

When you reached the office door it had a lock on it, you had forgotten. It was weird how everything seemed fine when suddenly it gets ruined by a "childish" mistake.

'Get it together, focus!'

You were going too fast, your desperation to make your brother's wish come true was blinding your rational thinking.

'relax it'll be fine, just breathe Y/N, breathe'

As you took a deep breath you quickly took a hairpin from your hair. It wasn't anything special so you bent it enough to make a lockpick.

 You would usually figure out how to learn straight from a book, but this time you learned by yourself with a manual.

It was a lock manual. It described how a typical door or lock worked. This helped you decipher how to pick a lock without any demonstration or advice. 

However, this was your first time putting it into action so you weren't sure if it would work.

You moved your hands around the padlock until you heard a slight "click".

You turned the knob and entered the office preparing to search for evidence. When you walked into the office it looked normal, I mean what did you expect?

You quickly went for the cabinets in search for any paperwork or money transfers. It can't be the headmaster that's the thief. There's also the possibility of him being threatened, but then again he doesn't have any immediate family to be threatened with.

The cabinets were regular wood and there laid papers all over the desk, looks like someone isn't organized.

It's because he's busy trying to keep the money safe

So that's it. The headmaster is trying to keep the money safe, it happened after this new assistant told him of the thief.

Everything should be fine since it's in the vault right? Could be.

The vault has a code only the headmaster knows, but considering he is this unorganized he must know he would forget the code. 

You rummaged though the bottom of the cabinet looking for a hollow sound from your knuckle hitting the wood.

People need to find more creative ways to hide their stuff. The knocking on the wood made it obvious it was holding something inside.

You didn't bother looking for any traps as the headmaster doesn't seem smart enough for that. You lifted the board to reveal a pistol, some loose cash and a paper with messy numbers and some words written on it.

It was the code. As expected it seems the unorganized headmaster also thought it was a good idea to reveal the location of the vault in the paper, but on the other side.

It wasn't in any special, high security vault. It signaled for a painting of himself, sitting in a chair holding a book with glasses sitting nicely on top, it was the picture behind the actual chair.

Of course, it's obvious he thinks so highly of himself that he thinks the best place to put all the money donations behind a painting of himself in a chair.

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