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Principal POV

I saw as the timid girl climbed onto the chair and then looked cautiously at the crouching man.

Beyond her caution I noticed that she looked at the man with interest and curiosity. Their dark circles and their stares almost seemed to sync up making me feel like an outsider.

"So, Ryuzaki right? You were thinking of adopting our newcomer Y/N?" I said, trying to bring the attention back.

"Not exactly, I am here to transfer her to another institution. Only if she qualifies of course."

'only if she qualifies'?

I looked at the girl to see if she was nervous, but she seemed happy.

'Poor girl after loosing her parents she must not understand that she is not getting adopted'

"What are the qualifications?" I asked looking for Ryuzaki's intentions.

"I wanted to ask more about the recent robbery. Was Y/N involved?"

I wondered why he asked that. This started to feel more like an interrogation than a conversation.

"Um, well not entirely. She was just there when we found the robber. She said that she was there because she heard another girl nearby scream." I said

"I'm actually a detective and when I talked to the other police officers, they said the scene is as told. The robber was laying on the ground, broken vase shards surrounding him and Y/N crouching down next to him." Said Ryuzaki while looking down.

Strangely his toes moved and he just stared away, almost towards the ground. He seemed strange to be a detective.

I looked again at Y/N and her eyes intensified, it was weird how she seemed to be very inconsistent. A moment ago she was happy and okay, but once he started talking about the case she stiffened.

"Headmaster. How does Y/N behave?" Asked Ryuzaki, looking straight at me wide-eyed.

That made me stiffen. I could feel my palms getting sweaty and my breathe became irregular.

'so intense' I thought.

"Well, she doesn't really social much with the adults but she is very well behaved and-uh- she is very nice as well." I said, stumbling over my words.

Girls her age don't usually get adopted later in life so I need to get her out of here.

I felt myself smile a bit, 'besides if she leave that leaves space for other children, younger children. They bring way more money than girls her age.'

"If you agree would you sign here to adopt her? You don't have to do much for this adoption, just make sure to take care of her." I said, if he delays himself he might not want to adopt her. I want her out.

Ryuzaki's eyes squinted slightly and he bit harder on his nail.

"Like I said I'm here to transfer her, not adopt her." Ryuzaki responded, seeming a bit annoyed.

I started to get frustrated and my leg started shaking up and down.

I grabbed onto my leg and composed myself, I can do this.

"Don't worry it's the same thing, just sign here and you can transfer her. Another thing, she doesn't have any birth certificates since they were burned in the house." I said with the biggest smile I could muster.

I heard a sigh from Ryuzaki as he picked up a pen and scribbled his signature.

'I DID IT! HA, people are too easy. Money will be raining soon. Hehehehe.'

"Okay Y/N you can go with Mr. Ryuzaki, he will be your new guardian. Okay?" I said getting up and opened the door. I just want them out of here.

I watched the girl deadpan, which slightly surprised me a bit. Ryuzaki got up and led the way out, the girl following right out.

3rd person perspective-------------------------------

Y/N followed behind Ryuzaki, he seemed to intrigue you and so did the mysterious institution that you were going to be taken to.

The headmaster was just as you imagined, arrogant and selfish. You could see right through him and his plan.

'At least I'm out of here' You thought relaxing your muscles.

You had been faking your emotions inside the office, but now that you got an idea of what Ryuzaki wanted it didn't seem necessary to act like an innocent girl.

Once you got outside there was a black car waiting there. An old man was holding the door, waiting for them to get in.

"Ryuzaki" you said when you sat down

He looked at with a plain face, sitting in the same slouched position as in the office.

"Who are you? The real you?" You asked, leaning forward to slightly intimidate him. You were trying to fish out the answers.

"It doesn't matter right now, Watari will take you to a place called the Whammy house where they'll explain everything." Said Ryuzaki, taking a piece of candy and popping it into his mouth.

You ended up just looking at him eat, trying to see what his intentions were but for whatever reason his mind seemed to be somewhere else.

He would space out and look away, his feet would scratch each other and he would look out the window.

When he suddenly turned his head back, you stiffened but remained calm with a straight face, looking straight at him.

You thought that with your stares you could get some kind of response from him about the "Whammy house", however.....

"Apologies my rudeness, you must also want some sweets." He said getting a handful of sweets and offering them to you.

You took the big handful of colorful candies from his pale hands and leaned back into the seat.

You took a candy of your favorite flavor and eat it. The last time you had sweets was when your mom had dragged you to the store even though you told her you didn't like sweets.

You stopped eating the candy and thought about your parents, you hadn't thought of their death so you didn't process it.

They were dead and never coming back. You mom's beaming smile that would make you nervous. You started to look down with a sad face.

Your dad's eye bags and his snoring whenever he fell asleep in his office, you watching him closely.

You didn't realize that you would miss them that much. After your brothers death you thought nothing could affect you, clearly you were wrong.

"You'll be fine in the Whammy house" said Ryuzaki. He had his eyes trained on your face, he seemed to read you like an open book while you couldn't.

You wanted to become stronger, smarter. This man is a detective, maybe he could you become the best detective.

"You're a detective right?" You asked looking at him, he only slightly nodded.

"You adopted me, so now you have to legally take care of me. You can't drop me off at a random place, you're my guardian." I said.

Ryuzaki only ate more sweets," yeah but on the contract it says that I can bring you back to an orphanage of my choice"

You smiled, 'he thinks I'm dumb' you thought with a mental chuckle.

"It also states that the guardian has an obligation to take care of the adopted child for at least a month" you said with a small smirk on your face.

You heard Ryuzaki stare at you, think for a second and then sighed slouching his shoulders.

"Watari, we're going back to the mansion" said Ryuzaki through a small window located on a wall connecting to the drivers space.

'i win' you thought as you happily popped another candy inside your mouth and looked out the window, enjoying the view of the buildings and the soft rain hitting the window.

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