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                                                    -----March 5, 2009-----

It was five years after L's death and now you and Near were now 17 years old. A lot has happened during that time. Without Mello you and Near continued to investigate the case, gathering evidence and waiting for the right time to strike. 

During those five years, you had grown so used to Near's presence and working with him side by side that it almost seemed natural when working with him.

You didn't know then, but the other workers whispered and talked about how you and Near worked like a flow of calm wind or stream. Like a swan swimming gracefully or a ballet dancer.

Now you found yourself in the president of the United State's office with the evidence you collected all these years. 

Near was seated in a chair in his usual position with his usual outfit, twirling a hair strand, while you wore something more appropriate, with a briefcase in your hand. You stood behind Near with a hand on the back of the chair which made Near shuffle slightly.

"A police officer who was in the vicinity when Higuchi was arrested heard that if you write the name of someone you know in the notebook, that person will die." Said Near.

"Are you saying that's what the notebook of death is?" Asked the president with a worried expression.

"Yes. The Japanese police should have it now." answered Near calmly. I proceed to put the briefcase on the president's desk and open it, revealing the evidence. 

"Mr. President, the current L is one that the Japanese police have created to avoid confusion. L is dead."

"Director Mason...Who is he?" asked the the president towards the director of the FBI who had accompanied us.

"Well...He is, let's just say... he's L's true successor." answered Mason. 

You got used to being ignored or overlooked by others when it came to outsiders and it wasn't that you cared for it or the credit. 

However, you always noticed Near's eyes on you whenever this happened which made your heart itch, but you didn't know why. You aren't good at reading face emotions unless it's obvious and only until now did you start to want to have that ability.

You could analyze others expressions, but never what they meant as feelings or emotions which is what you wanted right now.

With the now approval of the president the SPK (Special Provision of Kira) was created with FBI agents picked by you and Near which worked independent of L to hunt down Kira.

After you left the Wammy house you started to use a fake name to protect yourself from Kira which is f/n l/n and Near even made you a false i.d. and everything. Your birth certificate and any evidence had also died in the fire so you were protected with that too.

~a few weeks later~

You and Near were sitting in the same room as always with the computers and their bright screens. It was late so the rest of the agents had already gone home, leaving you and Near alone.

This really wasn't a special occasion as this was a normal occurrence except for that one day of the week when you actually slept. 

You were busying typing away when Near suddenly started talking,

"Did you know that people with sleep problems are twice as more likely to develop prostate cancer?" asked Near, still typing.

"mm-hm" you said, with a straw in your mouth and a juice box of  f/j (favorite juice) in the air, supported by the straw. 

"Did you know lack of sleep weakens the immune system and makes you more likely to get sick?" asked Near again. 

Still looking at the screen you said, "Yup, i did" you said quietly and tiredly.

"It also makes you more fat cause lack of sleep causes you to set your hormones off balance that tell you when to stop eating which can cause you to overeat, in other words you'll get fatter" Said Near calmly.

You drank the last of your juice and you sighed, taking the bow of juice and putting it on the desk before turning towards Near in your chair.

"what's wrong?" you asked, standing up and walking to Near's chair and looking at his face lit up by the computer screen.

"You... should get rest, we've done enough investigation for the day and all those facts are true, so i recommend rest.", said Near, turning back towards the computer screens.

"Sure, but you're coming with me." you said, turning Near's chair towards you so you are both looking at each other.

"I'm not done with these files though.", Near said, pointing his finger at the screen with drowsy eyes.

You laughed lightly at his face expression and grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his seat and dragged him to his room of the base.

"If you're sending me to bed, you might as well sleep." you said, yawning and dragged him towards the bed before sitting him at the end of the bed gently.

"I would object further but i know that i'm too physically tired to fight with you right now." Near said, flopping on his back and closing his eyes.

"Thank you for listening to me, but you should change into your pajamas." you said, also closing your eyes but still standing in front of Near and waiting for his respond.

All you heard from him was a faint mm-hm and the shuffling on the bed. You opened your eyes and saw Near sleeping calmly with calm eyes, steady rise of his chest.

 Your eyes wandered to his lips where they were slightly parted with air entering and exiting them.

You felt that weird sensation in your stomach that you would get sometimes at moments like this, but you could never grasp what it was.

Once you snapped back you decided to gently pull the sheets back and carry Near bridal style into the sheets and cover him in them. Near was pretty light so you could always carry him bridal style and piggyback if you wanted.

You stood up to leave but felt a tug on your hand and you saw that Near was holding onto your hand.

You crouched down to where your face was on level with Near's while still being held by his hand.

He had your right hand and you set your hands on the bed and slowly removed his hand from yours, but you couldn't help but continue to look at Near's face.

His eye bags were more prominent then in the wammy house and it was obviously because of the Kira case. 

You noticed that a strand fell on his face and you were already reaching to put it behind his ear, but caught yourself and stopped yourself. 

It was weird to you, but you wished you could protect Near and by his side like now. He made you feel at peace and he got you more than anyone else.

Shaking your head, you quickly stood up and walked towards the door, thinking that all these weird feelings are because of lack of sleep.

"Ha, maybe it's one of the symptom of cancer, delusions." You whispered, chuckling softy and then closing the door behind you.

When Near heard the door close he immediately opened his eyes and sat up slowly. He sighed and ran his fingers through his white hair before playing with a single strand of hair. 

"Heart palpitations are a sign of lack of sleep and dehydration, however it's odd to get them only when I'm around her. I'll investigate this later." said Near before looking at the hand that reached towards yours.

"Strange case indeed." 

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