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December 21-----

Near was sitting on the floor, adding stuff to the Christmas tree while the rest of the SPK members including you were at desks. 

You adjusted your chair so it was high enough so you could swing your legs. You sipped a juice box while looking at the ceiling while swinging your legs.

The rest of the SPK members found it weird since it was the first time you had done this but didn't mention it.

Near had called the Japanese task force and found out that they didn't use video cameras only wiretaps while spying on L and Takada. 

This sent red flags towards you and Near but you remained silent and kept your eyes towards the ceiling.

After the call Gevanni, a trustworthy agent, was updating you both how it was tailing Teru or X-Kira.

Not long after, Halle called and said that Misa Amane and Takada had dinner together and were fighting over who was Light Yagami's girlfriend. 

"All i can say from this is Yagami Light is popular." said Near playing with his wooden figures of Light, Takada, and Misa.

You chuckled at his comment, but kept your focus on the ceiling.

Near added that this could be bad as they both won't betray Light easily and will stand at his orders.

"Mikami has taken out a notebook." said Gevanni, the one tailing Teru Mikami.

This caught your attention and made you turn your head towards the others.

"He's writing in it. Could that be it? Mikami's getting off." reported Gevanni through his phone.

It was silent for a few moments before Gevanni spoke again.

"A man who was harassing a woman collapsed. He was in the same train car as Mikami. It happened a few seconds after Mikami wrote something in a notebook." said Gevanni.

Near wrote Mikami under the wooden figure that said "X-Kira", making Near certain about Mikami.

After Gevanni hung up you returned to looking at the ceiling, holding the straw of your juice box in your mouth.

After an hour you heard Rester sigh while rubbing his eyes. You glanced and you saw that Rester was going into the kitchen with his empty coffee mug.

You stood up and followed him leaving Near alone in the room of monitors. Near followed you with his eyes until you left and he simply played with his hair before turning to his task.

Rester was leaning on the counter while the coffee maker finished. He noticed you walking in and asked,

"F/N? What brings you here?" 

You climbed onto a stool and answered, "I wanted to talk with you. Alone." 

Rester stood up straight and sat in the stool next to you before talking again.

"Is it about the case?" he asked.

"No, it's about something i'm not familiar... I thought someone with more feelings could help me with an issue." You said, lightly swinging your feet forward with your face turned forward.

"Oh... Yeah of course, what can i help you with?" asked Rester looking at you.

"I've been having weird feelings and no matter how much i try to wrap my head around it i can't seem to figure out what's wrong. I've solved difficult cases before so this has me frustrated."

You furrowed your brows thinking that you were incompetent for not figuring out on your own but you continued to talk to Rester.

"I even tried reading books about feelings and all sort of documents, but i can't piece it together. I think the thing that hits the nail is that i actually hate this sort of feeling, but i know nothing about it."

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