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3rd person perspective----------------------

The time you were in the mansion went by very quickly.

During your stay L warmed up to enough to ask you for advice or to look into a case with him.

He didn't really need the help but you ended up pointing out a thing or two he wouldn't have noticed until a bit later.

You even let Watari make you a salty desert which you would eat with black coffee and no sugar. Watari was very happy when you gave into his request to tuck you in after the first week.

 He even made your hair during the mornings which you also gave in after many requests.

Even though you ended up in another fight or two with L you both enjoyed each other's company during investigation, but neither would admit it.

Watari secretly thought it was funny how L would taste test his sugar every time. You also made sure to test your dessert before digging in.

You went in the kitchen every morning where Watari made the dessert and helped him cook them. 

You told him that you were there to make sure L wouldn't mess with your dessert, but really it was to spend time with Watari and of course Watari knew.

During the nights you couldn't sleep you would stay up reading and making new hobbies. In a week you had learned many card tricks, how to sew plushies, knit, crochet, cook, and draw with your non dominant hand.

The second week was when you started to be more open and spent more and more time in L's office. The third and final week you spent it investigating with L in a case and learn how to bake from Watari.

From what Watari saw it seemed even though you and L were similar to siblings with high IQs you two presented themselves very differently.

L didn't really care about his appearance and thought baths, showers and maintaining his hair took to much time. He also went into problems straight forward and didn't try to hide he was intelligent.

You on the hand liked being more discreet and tended to camouflage yourselve better than L. You took the time to look presentable always and when trying to go after someone, as seen with the burglar, you tried a more sneaky attack.

Unlike L you also sat and stood very tall. When you asked L why he sat like that and when he explained you said it was stupid. She said it was stupid that your intelligence reduced from sitting differently. This resulted in another fight from both.

Then the time came that you were back in the black limousine towards the Whammy house. L explained to you who he was and what the Whammy house was meant for on the third day when you first came.

During your time in the mansion L had, if he meant to or not, taught you stuff you would have other wise have to learn by yourself.

 When it came to become the successor of the greatest detective you wanted to make sure it was you.

If there were kids in the House that were anything like L then it would be harder than you wanted.

In no time you found yourself gripping tightly onto the handle of your suitcase, starring at the metal gates leading to the House.

"Y/N...Good luck" said Watari as he put a hand on your shoulder.

You glanced back at L and saw him looking at the building you didn't need a goodbye from him, you already knew what he was thinking from being around him for a month.

'whether he admits it or not, he'll miss me' you thought. You weren't being cocky you just knew that because you would also miss him.

Being around L was like having another big brother. After losing yours it was nice to feel brotherly love again, even if it was different.

You patted Watari's hand that was still on your shoulder and looked at L which he ended noticing and looked back at you.

"Bye, it was lovely solving cases with you both" you said with a slight smile then quickly looking down and walking forward not looking back.

"You might never see her again" Watrai said, watching your soft (h/c) hair bounce as you walked the path and out of sight.

"I know. I'm sure I'll regret it when it comes down to my final moments. However, having her close will do me no good if she dies under my care. It's better like this Watari. If I die and she doesn't become my successor make sure she's set for the rest of her life" said L tightening his fist.

Watari looked at L's bug eyes and sympathetically said, "of course Ryuzaki"

The announcement that you would be living in the Whammy house must've spread quickly among the kids because the moment you stepped foot onto the building a herd of energetic kids swarmed you.

You saw different types of kids, but you had no interest in being friends with them unless you had to.

You kept a straight face and blocked out the loud voices of the kid's that rang through your ears as you walked far away from all of them.

Many of the kids started to whisper and talk about you the moment you ignored all of them. It was already annoying before you even had the chance to sit down.

You just needed some peace and quiet, what better place for that than a library. You picked up your pace and search the hallways searching for the library.

When you found and entered the library you instantly sighed and dropped your suitcase as well as your straight face.

Even if you didn't have strong emotions and didn't understand others, you could still feel annoyance and this place certainly made you feel that way.

You loosened your arms a big and fixed your wrinkles in your uniform as well as your hair style that Watari did. You walked toward the big bookcases with the suitcase again in your hand.

The library wasn't something to fawn over and it wasn't as big as L's but it would do. You could smell that classic scent of old books and a slight scent of cleaning products.

Your latest interest was in animal biology so you went looking for some when you heard the clanking of blocks. It was from toys, just beyond the bookcase in front of you.

You put down your suitcase again and walked slowly towards the edge of the bookcase and saw a structure of toy blocks and the hands building them.

They were very pale and were the size of a small child's, only smaller than yours

You moved your head more to get a better view and saw a kid, someone your own age.

You thought it didn't matter much that there was another kid a library even when you felt something strange keeping him separated from the other kids you still had no intention to get closer to him.

You moved yourself back into the bookcase to continued with your animal biology search when the kid spoke.

"You're the new kid right? Y/N was it? You don't need to hide, I won't swarm you like them"

his voice sounded high, his tone and articulation was smooth compared to the squeaky kids.

You ignored him but kept what he said in mind. You had priorities and friends wasn't one of them.

"The books aren't organized at all, none of the kids pay attention so you might not find what you're looking." He said

'he's persistent, what does he want?'

You didn't think he wanted to be friends seeing as he was in the library, isolated. So what did he want?

You thought he might want to investigate you, scouting you and figuring out how you acted.

If that's what he wanted then he might be someone smart he might even be at the top of his class.

You were getting interested and if he was smart then you might also get something out of him, a non-verbal give and take situation.

You smirked as you took a bold move right as walked right in front of him.

'Let the games begin, smart boy'

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