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The monitor displayed a bright white screen before switching to the camera in the kitchen. Near looked back at you with a small smirk before returning to the screen. 

Rester was in the kitchen and you were in the camera not long after. You balled your dominant hand into a fist and refused to look at Near or the screen. You were frozen in your chair and many thoughts went through your head.

'The exit is only 10 feet away and it would take me 4.32 seconds to reach it and escape. That door leads to the hallway where i have two options, one to the staircase and elevator, and the other to the small lobby where there aren't many places to hide. The best option is... and then... whilst he's still distracted... I'll flee with a 68% chance with this..."

It was safe to assume this moment was making your brain go into overdrive while you unconsciously unbaled your fist and instead clung and messed with your clothes, wrinkling them.

Near had progressed through your first question and that snapped you out of your thought process making your feel embarrassed since you knew where this led. 

You've never felt embarrassment before so this made you feel very weird. You felt frustrated, angry, and you didn't want to be there in the moment. 

With a sudden burst of embarrassment and adrenaline you bolted through the exit and followed the path you had mapped out a few seconds ago.

 Near turned to look at the exit to see the door closing and a stand of your hair before it disappeared. However, this was out of character for you so all he did was tilt his head to the side like a puppy while looking at the door intently with an unfazed, but slightly confused face.

There weren't many places where you went for comfort, your comfort was being near Near. So where did you hide? 

Well, you sat quietly and leaned your back on the door of the large fridge that held your juice boxes. All while a large stack of cool juice boxes sat on your right while you drank on a juice box, staring blankly at the wall in front.

 A small chuckle could be heard from Near as he watched you towards the end of the recording. He took the USB from the monitor and looked at it with a small smile before putting it in his pocket and turning towards the exit you ran out of. 

Near would never admit this, but he wouldn't know where you went off to hide. He didn't know what place you would go for comfort in a situation like this since you were always by his side. 

However, Near was still extremely smart so after a quick process of elimination and glancing at the empty mini fridge in the monitor room he knew where to start. 

You were down to your last three boxes of juice and 30 empty boxes sitting on the other side of the full juice boxes. 

Your plan? 

Branch off from the others and arrest Kira on your own so Near wouldn't be disgusted by you. Yes, you came to the conclusion that Near now hated you because of the contents in the video.

When you heard the door to the room open you stayed still and continued to fall deeper into your delusions while looking at the wall with the same blank stare. 

You could hear the sound of barefoot Near walking on the tile floor before crouching next to you, your shoulders touching as he sat. 

A few moments of silence went by before you heard a small chuckle and, "I also thought i ingested a new sort of drug" Near said softly.

(For readers: Since it has been a while i would like to remind you that in chapter 19 while you're talking with Rester you mention how you thought the symptoms you were having were similar to some drugs and alcohol. Now you don't have to read back like i did :)

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