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AN: Let's pretend that I didn't disappear for more than three months okay? I swear it wasn't intentional. Btw, thanks to everyone who has read my story so far :)


Near moved his chair in front of you, sitting in his usual position. You could feel yourself sweating but kept a straight face as you tried maintaining eye contact with Near.

"Mind telling me why you and Rester talked about me in the kitchen?" asked Near calmly, showing no emotion.

Seeing no emotion in Near's face or anyone's seemed so trivial to you before. You had no interest in other people's opinions on what you said and did and only bothered reading others' faces when interrogating suspects.

However, you felt as though what you said next depended solely on what Near was thinking or feeling. This added a level of difficulty as you and Near always tried to show no emotion, not that you had complex emotions to begin with. 

It felt frustrating for you to be so vulnerable and to suddenly have to experience these overwhelming emotions. 

"Can i just wait till tomorrow to do this? I feel exhausted already." You thought to yourself as you leaned back into your chair.

"It was simply about the case..." You lie with a calm face, you would not back down without a fight. There was no way you would let this white haired boy expose you.

"But why Rester? What would be so important that you ask him privately? Let's assume it was about the case. You've always asked me these types of stuff." Said Near with a hint of bitterness.

You weren't sure if he was mad at you for not asking him or because he thought you were talking about him behind his back.

"It was a matter that Rester could provide the most useful intel on" You say simply.

"We should test that out. Ask me what you asked him. Then you can determine who has the best intel" Near had this challenging look on his face as he leaned in. He had this smug look as if he had already won.

"I don't think you understand Near. Rester is the only one who could provide the right amount of answer because of who he is" You say firmly, also leaning forward.

Near's eyebrows furrowed and his smug face disappeared. He sighed before standing up, towering over you with an intense glare. 

"You know we have cameras everywhere in this base, including the kitchen right? Should we watch them together?" He asked, the same smug look returning to adorn his face.

If you weren't being threatened you would say that he looked quite dashing as you looked up at him. The small bits of trimmed white hair that fell over his face as he looked down at you, the white light from the screens bouncing on his pale cheeks, and his baggy shirt that fell enough to reveal his defined collarbone.

"That would be a fantastic idea if there was footage of it. However, L taught me to always be careful so, i already took care of that. We won't be seeing anything tonight i'm afraid." You said with a smirk. 

"How unfortunate that you didn't think i had a back up of the base dear Y/N. I'm not talkin about the regular backup, I'm talking about the second back up that we use for emergencies." Said Near as he wove a USB at you face.

"That's supposed to be a secret back up Near. I didn't think you'd go this far for something so trivial." You said, looking at the USB intently.

"If it concerns you then it is no longer trivial. You are very important to me Y/N." Near said. He was already facing the screen in front and his back to you, so you couldn't tell what he looked like.

"Near, you might look at me differently once you see this." You warn with a stern voice, still looking at his back from your chair.

"I will the judge of that." He said as he inserted the USB and the screen flicked on.

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