Bucky- Blade

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(Requested by SkylarStorm1 )

Warning: Contains suicide. If you're not comfortable with this topic, do not read.

You can't sleep. You can't eat. You can't live. Sadness is eating at you, sucking up the happiness and replacing the emotion with self-hatred. You can't stand to live another day like this.

Picking up the small blade, you hold it up and smile brokenly.

"(Y/n)?" Bucky says from behind the bathroom door.

Not worried at all, you bring the blade onto your arm. When it bites into your skin, a sigh escapes your lips.

"(Y/n)!" He says again, this time trying to open the door. Good thing you locked it.

Tears roll down your cheeks as you curve the knife up your arm, watching as blood spurts from the deep cut.

"If you don't open this door in ten seconds, I'm breaking it down!"

Shakily moving the knife into your other hand, you choke on a sob.


You place the blade above your wrist and press it down.


Quickly, you rake the razor up your arm, tearing the skin. Pain radiates through you.


Regret courses through you as you stare down at your bloody arms.


The blade slips from your wet grips and clinks onto the floor, you following right after.

"(Y/n)!" Bucky shrieks. The next second, the door is kicked in and Bucky's by your side. "O-oh my God!"

"B-Buck, I-I'm sorry." You whisper, your voice airy and cracked.

On the verge of a panic attack, Bucky picks up your cold body and gives you the most gut-wrenching look, you feel tears pool in your eyes. "Why? Why would you do this?"

You open your mouth to speak, but nothing more than a breath of air comes out.

"(Y/n)? N-No! Don't you die on me!" Bucky cries, his voice strained with hysteria.

You feel him set you down, only to return a minuet later. Towels are pressed onto your wrists in hopes to stop the bleeding, but you feel yourself slipping further and further into the dark.

With the last of your strength, you murmur "I love you," and then you're gone.

Bucky cradled your cold body, nothing but his cries of agony echoing through the room.

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