Clint Barton- Rescue

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(Requested by Emilymorgan457 )

"Emily?" Clint calls as he kicks the door to your apartment shut. But he freezes once he's registered the silence and scans the room with sharp eyes for anything indicating a break in. But nothing's out of place and the doors not kicked in.

She's fine, he tells himself, shaking off the bad feeling as he enters the bedroom and changes his clothes. She's probably just running late.

But by the third hour of your disappearance, he's convinced you've been taken and gets up and rushes for the door. He stops dead in his tracks when he spots an arrow embedded in couches cushions. He sure as hell knows it not his, because the arrow is green and longer and a whole lot deadlier than his. There's only one person he knows who possess these arrows.

The Hood.

As you struggle against the tape binding you to a chair, you keep your eyes on the small arrow launcher propped above the doorway. The Hood had tied you up and left, but not before saying that if anyone opens the door, you'd have a nice, big arrow lodged into your forehead.

So, you're trying not to freak out as you hear the distant call of your name and pull at the tale harder. The gag in your mouth makes it next to impossible for you to make any noises other than a scream, so you refrain from yelling out.

But his voice gets closer and closer as he kicks in the doors. You then realize it's Clint and almost smile, but then the door is slowly creeping open and you try to scream "no!" but all that comes out is a muffled cry and the door rips open.

It's all slow motion from there. The arrow launching, Clint's face going from relived from seeing you to terrified from seeing the arrow. You think you're going to die but then you give one last mighty tug on the tape and one of the bindings break. You're breathing heavily as you stare at where your head had been, an arrow now in its place going straight through the chairs back and into the floor behind it.


You turn, eyes wide as Clint crashes to his knees and pulls you in for a tight hug. "You're safe," his voice is shaking as he murmurs in your ear, running a hand down your hair. "You're okay. You are okay, right?"

You nod once, exhaustion weighting heavy on your bones. "Yeah," you answer roughly, eyes threatening to shut. "I'm just.. tired,"

He nods, scooping you up and nearly runs out of where ever it is you had been kept.

"I'm fine, Clint. I can walk," You huff, arms crossed as he enters his room and hands you a bowl of ice cream. "Oh. But you are forgiven," He grins as you greedily take the bowl, shoving a spoon full of (i/c) ice cream into your mouth.

"I love you,"

You swallow suddenly, coughing as the cold dessert hits the back of your throat. "What?" You breath, rubbing your sternum as the chest freeze sets in.

He sighs, sitting down next to you and meets your eyes nervously. "When you had been.. taken, I realized that I couldn't be without you- andbeforeyousaythat'scheesyit'strueand- mff!"

You giggle as your lips brush against his, and he jumps up and blinks at you. "I guess it's time to tell you I feel the same way, huh?"

He laughs, stepping forward and embraces you for the second time that night.

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