Clint- Taken

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(Requested by @Croft20)

You jerk awake when you're drenched in ice water.

"Rise and shine, darling." A voice purrs.

Licking your cracked lips, you groggily scan the room until your eyes stop on a man standing in front of you.

His lips curl in a sickening grin. "I'm so glad you could join me here today, darling. I was growing rather lonely."

You open your mouth to reply, but your throat feels like sandpaper and you end up coughing.

"Sorry, darling, you thirsty?"

Nodding, you shake droplets of the freezing water out of your eyes.

"Well that's just too bad,"

Your head snaps up. "Wh-"

His hand collides with your cheek and your eyes widen as your head whips to the side.

"Did I say you could speak?" He snarls.

Either one of two things could go down. This man could just kill you, or torture you. You'd very much prefer neither of them.

"Now you must be wondering why I've taken you,"

You huff and suck on you bleeding lip in thought. You don't remember being knocked out or drugged. You just remember... Clint! Oh no.

"You don't need to worry, my dear."

Looking up, he shines a bright light in your face, smiling manically. "Oh, I'm not going to kill you. I'm just going to hurt ya really, really bad." (Tell me the reference if you know it.)

"We've got a lock on her location," Natasha says, making Clint jump and shift his gaze from the wall to the redhead standing in the doorway. Her concern shows clear as she enters the room and pulls Clint in for a hug. "We'll get her back, Clint."

Once everyone's boarded a jet to get (Y/n) back, Clint's flying the aircraft at full speed.

"We're here," He says mechanically, landing the jet a few yards away from the large building away from the city.

A bone chilling scream makes everyone freeze.

"(Y/n)!" Clint yelps, racing towards the building once the bay doors have opened.

"Clint, wait!" Natasha shouts, sighs, then shakes her head. "He's going to get himself killed."

Inside, Clint's running up the stairs with his bow at the ready.

Soft whimpers from above fuels his anger and now he's jumping up the stairs.

"I'm coming, (Y/n)!" He mutters, finding a door and not wasting a second to kick it down.

The old wooded door crashes down to reveal you in the middle of the room. In back of you, Clint sees a figure stepping through a doorway and disappearing behind the walls.

But chasing the bad guy isn't his top priority right now. You are.


Clint nearly gasps once he's closer. Your body hunched at an awkward angle, different sized gashes run up and down your arms, your finger nails are gone, and your face is badly bruised.

"Oh my- (Y/n)? (Y/n), please answer me." He lightly touched your cheek, and a second later, you're eyes flicker open.

"C-Clint?" You whisper, managing a weak smile.

He's quick to grab a bloody knife and picks the locks chaining you to the chair.

"Everything's okay. Everything's fine. I'm going to get you out of here and-" Clint's voice shakes as he throws the cuffs across the room.

"Everything will be alright.."

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