Steve- Cops & Robbers

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(Requested by @Masive_Times)

Steve Rogers' life is anything but simple. For example- if he wants to go out in public? He has to wear a disguise. Drive a car? He has to have an actual drivers license(doesn't saving the world deem him worthy to drive a car? Apparently not). And now, of all times, he's out on a run and just so happens to cross paths with a local bank in the process of being robbed.

See? Not simple.

It doesn't take long for the cops to strap on a bulletproof vest to chest while explaining the dilemma and giving him a smack on the back for good luck.

There's three floors in the building. First floor is abandoned, but the second floor is swarming with about six men dressed in black with guns in their hands.

Now Steve's not usually one for guns, but he has one strapped against his waist just in case if anything goes wrong.

When a burglar pauses by the pillar he's hidden behind, he lunges forward and drags the man silently into the shadows. He's managed to knock the man unconscious and cuff him against a fire hydrant casing, which he breaks the glass(silently) to and takes out the large red object in a few short seconds.

Now only if he can get it to work-

Foam squirts out of the nozzle, making him glare at the thing and press up against the pillar. Another man walks up next to him, completely oblivious to Steve's hiding place, when he spots his accomplice out cold. As he's about to alert the others, Steve slams the fire hydrant against his head and catches him without a sound.

It doesn't take long for Steve to knock out the others and handcuff them together. Now, it's onto the third floor.

"Hurry up!" You hiss lightly, your partner cracking the code to the large vault behind you.

He cackles. "Daring, do you want to have a go at this and I stand guard?" Your silence is a clear no, and he shakes his head and keeps going. "This is very demanding work, (Y/n). It takes a very certain skill to crack on of these babies."

Rolling your eyes, you squeeze the gun cradled in your palms and make your way to the door. Something feels off. It's too quiet. "Something's wrong," you tell him, but he doesn't hear you as he continues with the vault.

You're about to exit the room when you hear an enthusiastic "ahha!" and a defining click, click, click as the vault door opens.

You smile cheerily. "Great, now let's grab the money and-"

"Freeze!" A voice shouts, and you all but groan.

So close!

Turning, you're shocked to find Captain America in front of you, gun in hand instead of his iconic red, white, and blue shield.

"Ah, what a surprise!" You say loudly, feigning innocence as you smile widely at him. "It's Captain America! Never thought I'd see the day you'd trade in the spandex to become a cop."

His eyes narrow. "Apply the safety, set down the gun, kick it over, then get down on your hands and knees."

You obey and do as you're told, but stay standing to give him a confused look. "Now cap, what was the last part again? It seems to have slipped my mind."

He clenches his jaw as he picks up the gun, momentarily breaking eye contact, and you take that as your cue.

Skillfully flipping forward, you use a leg to send the gun flying out of his hand and the other to land a hard kick to his jaw. You perch on your toes and watch as he stumbles backwards.

"Will you hurry now?" You shout, your partner screaming back a yes and continues to shovel arm loads of money into the black bags around his shoulders.

Steve licks his bleeding lip in shock, seeing both guns are across the room and you on the ground in a crouching position. As you stands, you smirks menacingly and says, "That was fun, but I think you can do better than that."

He shakes his head. "I don't hit women,"

You raise an eyebrow. "Ah, you're that kind of man, hmm? Well let me tell you something, Cap. There's a difference between hitting a women and fighting one. Now fists up and let's get this thing going!"

A slight smirk tugs at his lips at your words. Sounds a lot like.. he ducks to avoid being nailed in the face, but your fist just grazing his jaw is enough to get him to back away again.

"Aw, don't tell me you're scared?" You taunt, resting your hands on your hips and pout. "And here I was thinking you'd put up an actual fight after that inspirational speech and all-"

Steve's quicker than you can blink, and he's got you pinned down on the ground with his fist inches from your cheek and wrist against your throat.

"Hmm, not bad," You comment, bringing up your legs and wrapping them around his neck in a fluid movement. His hands instantly lift to your leg which is cutting off his air supply, and you use the freedom to use your other leg and kick him square in the chest(I don't know crap about fighting, so bare with me if you don't understand it at all).

He flies back and you flip backwards, bouncing playfully on the balls of your feet as he stands.

"Where'd you lean to fight like that?" He asks breathlessly. A figure in the corner of his vision makes him turn.

But before he could get a good look, you've pulled out a gun and shoot him in the chest until your gun runs out of bullets. But you're not stupid, you know he's wearing a vest and he'll live. He'll be very soar, but he'll live.

"That was fun, Cap. We really should do it again some time." You say, running over to him to give him a quick pat on the cheek before heading to your partner with a smug look.

His eyes are wide as you grab a bag full of cash and motion to the exit. "Remind me to never get on your bad side."

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