Steve- New

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(Requested by @_Michaelskitten_)

You fiddle with the hem of your SHIELD jacket nervously, jumping when the elevator doors slide open. Today's your first day on the job, and you're already late. Not looking up, you rush forward, only to crash into a hard surface with a startled yelp.

"Whoa, sorry!" You breathe, rubbing your head. "I wasn't looking where I was..."

Steve Rogers smiles sweetly. "It's not a problem, m'am."

Nodding, you step to the side, but he mirrors your movements with a grin. This goes on until your cheeks are burning.

"You go right, I go left?" You say.

He nods, only to step to the left and lets out a laugh. "Sorry, I keep forgetting which way is right or left."

You smile. "No worries. Just, step that way and I'll go this way-"

"I'm just telling you now, this is going to be going on for a while. My sense of direction is worse than a broken compass,"

"How about you just stand there and I go around you?"

He raises an eyebrow. "Now that's not as fun, is it?"

Your jaw nearly drops. He's been doing this on purpose? "W-Well, I'm uh.. New here, and I don't want to get fired for being late. So if you would excuse me-"

He follows your step and you nearly ram into him. He grins slyly. "I think you'll be okay, miss..?"

It takes a moment to catch on, and when you do, you quickly say, "Oh, it's (Y/n)."

"Well, (Y/n), how about I walk you to wherever you're going?"

You didn't decline his offer, and started to follow him as he began walking through the HQ, trailing along after him as you and him talked. Well, you talked. He flirted and made you blush nearly the whole time. And by the time you realized he's been leading you away from your original destination, it was too late to turn back.

"So, (Y/n), want to go out some time?" He asks, smiling widely as your eyes widen.

You said yes.

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