Pietro- Saved You

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Your legs carry you through a thick forest somewhere in Germany. Behind you, explosions go off as the Avengers blow up a HYDRA base. You were fighting along side them, but one of the HYDRA agents fled the scene with the cargo you were sent to collect.

The man suddenly stops up ahead, making you slide to a halt as well.

Maybe he's giving up?

When he turns with a large gun in hand, your heart drops. The man pulls the trigger, making you duck down and wait for the explosion.

It never comes.

You hesitantly crane your head around, expecting to find the man with the gun inches from your face, but you almost laugh at the sight.

Now, the man is dangling by his coats hood on a tree, clawing at the air and demanding to be let down.

The package lays next to the tree, resting on top of Pietro's lap.

Smirking, he says "I think I just saved your life," and flashes inches away from your face.

Narrow your eyes playfully, you scoff. "Really, Pietro? I had him."

"I am sure you did when he nearly blew you to pieces." He chuckles.

You lean forward and place a soft kiss onto his lips, pulling away quickly when a gun goes off. You're suddenly behind a tree, a bullet clipping the bark as Pietro's widened eyes meet yours.

"I think I just saved you again."

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