Bucky- Supervision

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It all happened in a flash. Well, that's how you described it; searing pain, a sudden burst of light, then nothing. Complete and utter black. An inescapable prison with no light at the end of the tunnel.

A hand is sudden on your shoulder as a scream rips from your throat, your fingers clawing at your open eyes as you kick your legs in front of you.

"I can't see!" You shriek, knocking away the hand with your wrist as you shrink back. "Wh-Why can't I see? My eyes are open! Are the lights off? Did the sun suddenly fall out of the sky-?"

"(Y/n)!" It's Bucky. He sounds worried. "(Y/n), it's okay. Calm down. Please, just stop screaming-"

"What happened, Bucky? Where did the lights go? I don't remember the sun having an off switch-"

His hands are gripping you shoulders and you can feel his eyes scanning you face and oh my god you're blind.

"Everything's going to be okay, (Y/n). Don't worry, we'll fix this-"

You now feel that something's running down your cheeks, but it's too thick and warm for tears. Your heart skips a beat as you realize it's blood.

"My eyes are bleeding, Bucky. Why are they bleeding? Is that why I can't see? Because someone cut them? I don't know what's happening. Please tell me what's going on,"

I'm going into shock, you think. I'm going into shock because someone cut my eyes out.

The black suddenly becomes darker and you can't move and then you passed out.

"It's not permanent, right?" You recognize the voice of your boyfriend, Bucky, and his hand gripping yours tightly. "She'll still be able to see, right?"

A sigh. "That's right, Buck. She's perfectly fine. The anesthesia should be wearing off soon, so you'll be able to find out for yourself." It's Steve.

What happened? You don't remember anything. Nothing but darkness and no light and ice cold panic.

Your eyes fly open but all you see is a bright light and instantly tears blur your vision.

"(Y/n)?" It's Bucky.

Looking to your side, you see him smiling nervously at you as he gives your intertwined fingers a squeeze. But the weird thing is, you can see past his skin and nearly gasp when you're scanning his skull and the bones and muscles in his face. You must be hallucinating. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

You blink a few times before saying, "Why is the room so bright? And what's wrong with your face?"

The muscles in his face shift as he frowns, and this time you do gasp. "What-?"

"What kind of drugs did they give me? This hallucination is seriously creeping me out."

Bucky raises his eyebrow and you force yourself to look away. "They didn't give you any.." He trails off, looking to Steve and you choke on your breath when you notice you can see through clothes too.

"I think this is the part when I get the doctor?" Steve asks, but you're not trusting yourself to give him an answer in fear of your voice squeaking as you tear your eyes away from his form.

"What the hell happened to me and why do I suddenly have supervision?" Is the first thing you sputter when Steve leaves, but you don't look at Bucky as he answers.

"Well, you kind of.. took a hit to both eyes and lost your sight-"

"What!" You bolt up right and finally look down at your hands, pulling a face when you see right through your skin and into the bones and muscle. "This is so gross but awesome at the same time?"

"So you can see through skin and- wait. Is that why you- hey! That's why you were looking at Steve like, uh, like.."

"Calm down, Bucky. You know you're the only one for me." You say, squinting your eyes and do a double take when the walls slowly disappear. "..please tell me this is reservable."

"That depends," A man, who you're assuming is the doctor, says from the doorway.

Bucky's fingers on your check gently, preventing you from turning to look at the doctor. You frown in confusion, but remember your sudden ability to see through clothes and huff.

"Don't even think about it, (Y/n)," Bucky mutters lightly.

Clearing your throat, you keep your gaze on the wall and say, "Depends on what?"

"If you're willing to go through with the tests to determine your new enhancement skills-"

"Hey, buddy, I'd appreciate it if you'd so kindly not try to have her look at you- thanks."

You choke, "Buck!"

"What? Would you like to see him naked, too?"

Burying your face in your hands, you groan. "Oh my god, stop."

The doctor chuckles. "Boyfriend of yours?"

You nod. "And about those tests-"

"Do they involve her having to stare at anyone other than me, cause if so, no."



"Is everything pleasant?"

Without thinking, you turn your head and gulp.

Thor smiles brightly. "Lady (Y/n), is there a reason as to why your complexion is of a red shade?"

(I am baaack. Well, for a little while anyways. I'd like to thank all of those who commented in my last A/N, I appreciate it a lot. Soo, have a good day and/or night and/or afternoon.)

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