Foggy Nelson- Date

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(Requested by Willow_R_S )

You nervously pat down your (f/c) dress and check your watch as you pull the door open to Josie's Bar, making sure to smile as you look around the bar and spot Foggy already sitting at a table looking rather pale.

"Hey, Fog," You greet, hoping up onto the stool as he gives you a nervous grin.

"I uh, hope you don't mind," he says, holding up a small shot and downs it quickly.

You shrug a shoulder. "Not at all,"

If you're completely honest, you're nervous yourself. This is your first real date with Foggy after he had stumbled over his words adorably, trying to ask you on a date, and somehow managed without passing out.

"You look beautiful," He blurts out, eyes widening before he clears his throat. "I'm gonna go order some more drinks. You want anything?"

"Whatever you're having is fine,"

He nods and returns a few minutes later with two chilled beers. "I'm not sure which brand you liked, so I just got the first one that jumped out."

He slides the glass over to you and you catch it with ease, clutching the cool bottle against your sweaty palm and take a small sip.

"So," you say, trying to strike up conversation. "how'd you and Matt meet?"

He then proceeded to tell you of the infamous dorm room meeting, when he learned Matt was blind, how he called themselves avocados in Spanish, and eventually, how they quit their jobs to start their own law firm.

By the time the Bars closed, Foggy's walking you home.

You look at him when you feel fabric being placed around your shoulders, and you realize that it's his jacket.

He smiles. "It's cold, and you're shivering, so.."

"Thanks," You say, pausing briefly to press a kiss to his cheek.

Immediately, he flushes deep red and you giggle.

"Who knew Foggy Nelson was a blusher," You tease, and Foggy scoffs.

"Pfft, I did not blush. I uh, I'm drunk! Yeah, that's it."

You roll your eyes. "Sure you are,"

"Hey, don't argue with a lawyer, you'll never win."

You reach your apartment and hand him back his jacket, not expecting him to tug on your hand to brush a kiss onto your knuckles.

"Until next time," He says, bowing and flinging his jacket onto his shoulder before turning and strutting off with you watching in amusement.

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