Wanda- New

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Nervously, you jiggle your leg and knot your fingers together. You've been chosen from your whole SHIELD team to work with the Avengers, and today's the day you meet them.

"Agent (L/n)," A voice calls, making you look up. Natasha Romanoff stands there, tablet in hand. "Huh, impressive."

You stand. "Excuse me?"

She looks up and smiles warmly. "Just checking your profile, is all. This way."

You follow after her as she leads you to a large set of doors you've never been aloud to open, and stops just before entering the room.

"You don't have to be so nervous, Agent (L/n). We don't bite," She says, only adding "much" when the doors slam shut behind you.

A sliver blur zooms past you, making you quickly push your hair out of your face and look around the room.

The Avengers all stood in place, each of them giving you a curious look.

"Welcome to the team, (Y/n)." Captain America said warmly, stepping forward and giving your hand a firm shake.

Wanda watches you closely, peeking over her brothers shoulder to get a better look.

"Ah, do you have a crush?" Pietro teases quietly, making Wanda's cheeks flame red as she smacks his arm.

"Shut up, Pietro. I am just looking-" She begins, but when you meet her eyes and smile shyly, she knows that you're the one for her.

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