Bucky Barnes- Dream

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[If this doesn't make any sense okay cause I'm sick and I feel like I'm going to murder someone. If there are Any Spelling Mistakes. Okay. you have been warned.]

Bucky lurches awake, memories of the dream still lingering as he struggles to breathe. He wipes his forehead, grimacing when he finds it covered in sweat.

A soft moan makes him flinch, and he turns slowly to find you asleep next to him. He can't help but brush his fingers along the inside of your wrist, sighing when he finds a pulse and has to remind himself that it was only a dream.

"Buck?" Your eyes slowly flutter open as you grip his hand. "What's wrong?"

He shakes his head, laying back down and combs his fingers through your hair. "Just a nightmare,"

You hum, scooting closer. "Wanna talk about it?"

Bucky's throat tightens, but he knows better the to hide anything from you, so he says, "It was about you. HYDRA. One of their agents shot you and-" his voice breaks off and he doesn't continue.

You pull yourself up, resting your arms on his chest to balance as you lean down and press a kiss to his cheek. "That's never going to happen, okay? I'll always be here,"

The smoke in the air is enough to make Bucky nauseous, but the smell of burning flesh is almost too much. He needs to find you and leave before-

A gun shot comes from behind the corner he's about to turn and his heart freezes. And makes it just in time to witness you crashing to your knees and a HYDRA agent fleeing.

"(Y/n)?" Bucky whispers, willing his feet to move but he can't seem to move as you push yourself against the wall and turn to him.

His eyes fall to your bleeding side, which you're desperately trying to cover as you gasp for air. "B-Buck.." And then Bucky's suddenly at your side, unable to look away from the wound until you raise his head with your hand. "It's okay. It's going to be alright... Okay?"

"We have to get you out of here. Stop the bleeding and-"

"No," Bucky's eyes widen and you're quick to soften your tone. "No. You have to get out of here before they blow this place to pieces,"

"I am not leaving you," He says between clenched teeth, pulling out a handkerchief and presses it to your side.

You laugh, shifting uncomfortably as your chest starts to tighten. "You still carry one of those?"

An explosion rocks the building, and you close your eyes to try and block out reality but the ceiling cracks and caves inwards.

Bucky sees what's happening before you even could and pulls you out of the way, but not before a beam crashes down and lands on your ankle.

You cry out, black spots clouding your vision as you ground your teeth together to keep from screaming.

"No, nonono!" Bucky tries to lift the beam, but it doesn't even move an inch and he growls when he lets go. "Come on!"

"B-Buck, you have t-to.." Your voice sounds gargled, like you're choking on water. But then you realize it's blood. "g-et out,"

"Not without you!" He shouts, hysteria choking him as removes debris scattered about you.

"Bucky, (Y/n)," Steve's voice makes you both jump, and Bucky's instantly pressing his comm.

"She's hurt. Bad. Shot and her ankle is trapped under a beam. I can't lift it and-" Bucky's rapid fire of words is cut short when Steve stops him.

"You have to get out of there,"

Bucky scoffs, bending down to cradle your head in his lap as he scans the walls for any signs of breakage. "No. You have to come help me save her, Steve. Please,"

"Buck, I'm sorry, but she's already gone,"

"She isn't gone. She's-" Bucky realizes Steve's right as he looks down at you, your eyes wide and unfocused as mouth partly open. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)! Wake up, please!"

"There's nothing we can do for her now,"

Bucky shakily closes your eyes, pressing a final kiss to your forehead before getting to his feet and racing out of there.

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