Deadpool- Halloween

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(Requested by 1wingedfangrl )

You adjust your Tellatubby Po costume, tugging on the head piece so it covers your hair.

"You almost done in there, (Y/n)?" Wade shouts, knocking on the bathroom door impatiently.

You and Wade are getting ready for a costume party in a club somewhere in New York. Neither of you had told each other what you'll be wearing, so when you exit the room, you'll see what he's dressed as and vise versa.

Opening the door, you step into the hallway and freeze. There stands Wade, the head of Po over his and the same costume as you.

"Whoa!" He marvels, shoulders shaking as he laughs. "Don't you look sexy."

You scoff, smacking his arm as you pass him but he stops you by he grabbing your gloved hand. "I'm going to change. It'll look weird if we have matching costumes." You say.

He hums, tugging you to the door as he skips. "We look awesome, (Y/n). Total badasses."

"And how is Po badass?"

He pauses, turns his Tellatubby his to you, and shrugs. "Just is. Don't argue with me on that, missy."

Huffing, you follow after him as he leads you out of the apartment and towards the city.

"This'll be the best Halloween yet. You just wait, (Y/n). You'll see." Wade says happily, swinging your gloved hands in between your Po costumes. "We'll go to the club, get waisted, steal some little kids candy on the way home-"

"Get arrested for harassment," You add, and he laughs.

"No one can arrest the mighty Deadpool! I am invincible!" He shouts, head bobbing violently as he bounces.

You laugh nervously when people look your way, and mothers tugging their children closer. "We're scaring little kids, Wade."

He gasps loudly. "Really? Are you sure. They don't look so scared to-" when he turns his bobble head towards a little girl, she bursts out crying. "Oh. Well excuse me for trying to show some Halloween spirit!"

You roll your eyes, pulling him towards a more deserted street. "I know, Wade. But sometimes you get a little too.. enthusiastic."

He suddenly pulls you to a halt. You open your mouth ask what's wrong, but then you hear what sounds like a man speaking lowly and women crying.

"Yo dirtbag!" Wade shouts, running into a dark ally with you following after closely.

You spot a man hold an old women at gunpoint, her walker in a heap at her feet and purse torn open.

"No murder!" You hurry to say, and Wade makes a groaning sound.

"You must've hit rock bottom if you beating on old ladies for money," Wade takes off his Tellatubbies head and chucks it at the man. He holds up his hands and smacks it away, only for Wade to punch him and knock him out.

After you've made sure to call the police and get the old women to safety, you turn to Wade and smile.

"Aren't you the Knight in shining uh.. Tellatubby armor?"

He laughs and slings an arm around you neck, grinning from behind his Deadpool mask as he says, "Now let's go steal that candy."

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