Clint Barton- Bay Talks

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(So I've been thinking of adding a song to the chapters that fit the imagines plot/mood. Not sure if it would work out but I'll give it a shot?
Song: Buzzcut Season by Lorde
Requested by Sparkyjr10 )

You've been noticing that Clint isn't all he seems. Yeah, he's a joker and loves making everyone laugh, but he's seen and been through things people wouldn't believe.

So you understand why he's distant some days more than others. Like he won't say a word in the morning, but cracks jokes all through a mission.

But right now, as you're in the bay of a jet with him, he's gripping your hand tightly with his head on your shoulder. His breathing is steady but pauses every now and then as he snaps awake, grips your hand tighter and eventually falls back asleep.

The mission hadn't been very eventful. Just a go in and steal some information, get out. It had gone without a hitch, but Clint had seen something that's obviously spooked him.

"I'm not going to ask if you're okay, cause I know you're not," You murmur, softly kissing his head and he sighs. "But I'm here to talk if you want to,"

There's silent until he says, "There was a man. Looked like me when I was under Loki's control and I just- it freaked me out,"

"That'll never happen again, okay? You've got me now. I'll blow anyone up before they can lay a finger on you,"

He laughs shortly, but he's smiling nonetheless as his eyes shut. "Thanks,"

"Mhm," You hum back, grinning when he snuggles closer.

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