Bucky Barnes- React

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"You're staring,"

You jump, nearly spilling your drink as you turn to Natasha. The smug look on her face shows that she knows you've been caught. But you don't react, instead smoothing out your dress casually.

"I don't know what you mean."

She sniffs, plopping down on the seat next to you and shifts her gaze to where you had been looking at only seconds ago.

"If you want to talk to him, just do it."

You shake your head fiercely, tucking a stand of hair behind your ear as your cheeks burn. "What would I even say?"

"How about, "hi, Bucky, I couldn't help but notice how sexy and alluring you look as you gaze upon the city with a brooding exp-""

"Shh!" You hiss, eyes widening when she laughs. "This is not funny, Nat, not at all. What if someone would've heard you-?"

"Hey, Barnes!"

Bucky's head whips around, and your heart stutters when he meets your gaze. Slowly looking up at Sam who's standing behind you, grinning wide and smug. You do a double take, not fully understand how Sam had been able to sneak up on you and Natasha. But then their intentions are clear as she smirks.

Quickly, you turn to Sam and try to stop him, but he opens his mouth and shouts, "Miss (Y/n) over here thinks you're sexy and-"

"Sam!" You cry, throat tightening as you turn to Bucky. His eyes are narrowed and his lips are pulled downwards in a frown. "Oh, God.."

But then suddenly Bucky's strutting over to you, hand extending when he stops and you stare in shock.

"Care to go for a stroll?" He asks, his voice slightly gruff, but you don't mind and take his hand slowly.

"Be careful out there!" Natasha calls as you and Bucky, arms linked together, head out of the Tower.

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