The Avengers- Halloween

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[Okay, for one, can anyone guess which costumes/suits the characters are wearing? And two, the author Tony will mention, what did he create/write?]

"Tell me again why we agreed to this?" Clint asks, puffing his chest as he tugs at his skin tight bottoms. "How do you wear these things? I can't move without feeling like I'm going to explode."

Wanda laughs from behind the mask, having a bit of trouble opening the face hatch before it slides open and she huffs. "This is most uncomfortable."

"I, for once, agree with the lab rat," Loki grumbles, crossing his arms as he tries to disappear in the corner. The black, tight suit is sagging in the chest and rear area, and everyone keeps their eyes elsewhere to avoid his piercing glare.

"This is quiet enjoyable," Pietro holds up the bow, reaches back and pulls out an arrow, but the quiver tips and all of the arrows fall to the ground. "Except for that!"

"I could actually get used to this," Steve states, smirking as he picks up Thor's hammer and swings it on his finger. "Light as a feather."

You roll your eyes, gathering the falling material of the suit and hold the shield uselessly to your chest. "Well, if the suit wasn't so big than maybe I could. But no. I'm drowning in it."

"Stop being a baby, (Y/n)," Tony flexes his arms, smiling seductively as he rolls his shoulders. "I look good in sweatpants."

"I am not sure this is suitable for the battlefield," Thor says, shirtless and only in a pair of ragged shorts. "My skin is not as resilient as Mr. Banners."

"I cannot believe I agreed to this foolishness," Loki hisses, glare directed at Natasha. "You are the cause of this,"

She holds up her hands, quick to adjust the gold helmet by the horns and grins. "Hey, I only suggested we trade uniforms for Halloween. None of you had to agree,"

"I do not get the purpose of this, 'Halloween'," Thor says sadly. "Is for the tricks, or treats? As I have said before, human customs still allude me."

"Don't take it personally, big guy," Pietro tightens the belt on the quiver and nods in satisfaction. "I do not see the point either,"

"You do too, Pietro!" Wanda adds, bionic arms moving to rest on her crossed legs. "You are into the candy just as much as (Y/n) is,"

You plop down next to Clint, who's still fidgeting with his pants, and shrug. "I'm not going to deny that I'm only into Halloween for the candy."

"So we have come to an agreement that Halloween is pointless and we do not have to go out and.. and degrade ourselves by dressing as each other?"

Tony laughs, slugging Loki in the arm but draws back when he sneers at him. "We're still going out trick or treating if you like it or not, reindeer games, and you can't run off or I swear, we will find you and I will personally lock you away with nothing to read but anything from Hajime Isayama!"

Loki blinks, looking to Thor and says, "Is this mortal threatening me?"

"Oh, for the love of everything spooky, let's get going already!" You exclaim, clipping the shield on the back of the suit and motion for them to follow you. "I can almost hear the candy calling for me,"

"But candy is not alive," Thor frowns. "Is it not?"

"It's just a saying, Thor," Steve says, resting the hammer on his shoulder as he trails after you.

"Do not eat any candy without me!" Pietro calls, zipping out of the room.

"This isn't going to end well," Natasha laughs, grabbing Clint by the arm and tugging him towards the exit. "C'mon, Clinton, before (Y/n) and Pietro overdoses on sugar."

"Let's go, little miss sunshine," Tony pats Loki's shoulder and he growls. Actually growls. "Now or else-"

"Yes, yes, nothing but those horrid picture books for the rest of my miserable existence."

"They are not horrid!" Tony shouts, scrambling after Loki as he storms away. "They're gruesome, yes, but the science behind the gears are solid and-"

"Do shut up," Loki snarls. "Or I will personally-"

"Guys!" You shout, poking your head out from inside the elevator. "If you don't hurry up, we're leaving without you!"

And so Loki and Tony stop their bickering, not so subtly glaring at each other in the small space as the elevator stops at the bottom floor.

"Candy!" You and Pietro shriek, diving for the door as the rest follow behind you.

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