Episode 21

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Goombario's Log Day 21: Well we sure had an adventurous day delivering mail back and forth to people, helping out a songstress get her voice back, and taking on the master once more. This time we managed to beat him for the first time and got a third-degree card. But that wasn't the end of that. Turns out the master is stronger than we first thought. Fortunately, thanks to a life shroom, Mario was able to get back on his feet and take down the master once more. Beating him earned us a fourth-degree card. However, the master wasn't done yet. He has a third more powerful phase, and he wiped us hard. But trust me, we'll be back for our revenge, you'll see. 

Kooper's Log Day 16: Yowzah! That master guy was a lot tougher than I thought. The guy looks ancient, but he kicked our amps back there. Not even Mario's jumps could do anything to him. But we'll be back you here. This isn't the last you've heard of Kooper and Friends! 

Bombette's Log Day 15: Hoo boy! Fighting the master sure was fun I tell ya. Getting to blow up in his face and bash him is just so cathartic. But holy shell I did not expect to see his final form! But we'll be back you here. This isn't the last you've heard of Bombette and Friends! 

Parakarry's Log Day 10: What a day today. We went back and forth across the Mushroom Kingdom delivering letters to everyone all day. But then we got a letter addressed to Franky who lives in a mansion on the far edge of Forever Forest. Could that be our next destination? I mean I hope so, those star spirits aren't gonna rescue themselves I mean. I mean what are the odds that the star spirit escaped Bowser's clutches and is being held within the mansion. 

during Mario and Karry's mail trip around the world 

Goombario: says to himself This better work Karry. walks over to Kooper and Bombette sitting next to Goombaria 

Goombaria: So, you know two know why we are here today? 

Kooper: I thought this was a tea party? You promised Koopa Tea. 

Goombaria: I did. But before any of you can have some, we need to settle things, right Bombette? 

Bombette: I guess. 

Goombario: So, here's what's gonna happen. Kooper, Bombette; You will each say something nice to one another, then say a criticism, followed by another compliment. And after that, promise to be nice to each other, okay? 

Goombaria: Kooper, how about you go first? 

Kooper: Ok. turns to Bombette Bombette, I really like your pink shell. It's nice and shiny and radiates a lot of charm. You need to chill the fuzz out sometimes. You call me reckless when you're the one blowing stuff up all the time! Of course, your explosive attitude has gotten us through a lot of tough fights and I appreciate that about you. 

Goombario: Bombette, your turn. 

Bombette: Fine. Kooper, that bandana of yours does look pretty cool. It perfectly complements your blue, sturdy shell. It almost makes up for your lack of a brain to go charging off without a clue in sight! But hey, that enthusiasm of yours keeps our spirits up and I like that. 

Goombaria: Perfect. Now shake hands and agree to be friends. 

Kooper and Bombette, attempt, to shake hands, but they get the gist 

Goombaria: Alright. Now, time for some Koopa Tea! 

Kooper: Hooray!


Parakarry: flies in Hey guys! We're back from our mail route! 

Goombaria: Oh great! Here, have some Koopa Tea Karry. 

Karry: Thanks. sits down Oh, and I think I know we're we should go next. A mansion somewhere on the edge of Forever Forest. 

Goombario: Sounds like a plan. Oh, and we're all friends again, right guys? 

Kooper: Yup. 

Bombette: Absolutely. 

Karry: Phew. Looks like it worked. Nice going Goombaria. 

Goombaria: Don't mention it. Hey, let's raise a toast. To your glorious adventure and all the friends, you'll meet along the way. 

All: Cheers! clink 

Kooper: Third star spirit, here we come! accidently launches some of his tea into the air and lands on Bombette 

Bombette: Ahh! What The FUZZ, Kooper!!?! 

Kooper: Gah! I-I'm sorry! Here! removes his bandana and soaks up the tea I'm sorry. I just, I was just really,... 

Bombette: ... Look I'm in a good mood now so let's just move on and pretend this didn't happen. leans in but get on my bad side again and I will kick your amp! 

Kooper: leans in Try it. I can tank it. 

staring menacingly at one another 

Goombaria: Welp, you're on your own now. Good luck. leaves 

Goombario: Hey, wait! Can't you just...? 

Goombaria: Sorry, Goomama needs me byeeeee. 

Karry: ... Let's keep a close eye on them, okay? 

Goombario: Ok.

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