Episode 53

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Goombario's Log Day 53: Today's round of sidequests were pretty tame all things considered. Mostly doing Koopa Koot's errands again, cooking more recipes, and answering Chuck Quizmo questions. Quick and easy this time. So then, where do we go now? 

Kooper's Log Day 48: O. M. Goomba. Koopa Koot was a famous explorer with Goompa and Boolter!? For my entire life I thought he was a senile old Koopa with no redeeming qualities, and now I hear about this! Do you think Koot's the reason Kolorado wanted to become an explorer? Man, I kind of feel bad for all the mean things I've said about him. Kind of. 

Bombette's Log Day 47: Wow, that Boo in Gusty Gulch actually got with Victoria. And it appears they're going to be married soon. Wow. He put himself out there and actually got to be with the love of his life. I'm, actually kind of proud of him. Good job. 

Parakarry's Log Day 42: So, something I learned recently from Bow is that she uses the mansion as a reception hall for Boos who find their special ones. It's there she pairs the two together in holy matrimony so that they'll be together forever. That's, really sweet of her. No wonder all the Boos adore her so much and why so many want to be with her. But, it looks like she's already found someone to spend her life with, and I'm so incredibly thankful I get to be that guy. 

Bow's Log Day 31: ........................................................................................................... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW IS MARIO SO LUCKY WITH FINDING THESE AMAZY DAYZEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear if we ever return to Flower Fields again and we see another Amazy Dayzee I might literally kill over and die. 

Watt's Log Day 21: We made so food today. Including a big Jelly Pop. I so want to eat it, but Mario won't let me. But he has no use for it. Why? 

Captain Sushie's Log Day 15: So if I be hearing this right, this Koopa Koot, Boolter, and Goompa were explorers in their days of youth it seems. Hmm? The name Goompa seems to ring a bell in me ears, but I can't put me fin on why that is. Perhaps it'll come back to me some day. 

Lakilester's Log Day 4: So I finally got to meet this famous Chuck Quizmo guy and Mario just went berserk whenever he saw him. Wierd. But anyways, we answered all his questions correct including one about my girlfriend's name. And let me tell you I'm glad she wasn't around to hear them because she would've thrown hands and hearing the names Landolaki and Lakitofu. She hates tofu as well. 

in Koopa Village 

Bombette: Hey, Kooper. How you feeling right now? 

Kooper: A bit tipsy from the flower beating, but I'm doing pretty well. breathes Such a lovely day today. Man I feel great. I mean nothing but nothing could ruin a wonderful day like this. 

Kooper's door slams open 

Bruce: A HA! only for the door to slam back in his face 

Goombario: What was that? 

Bow: That sounded painful. 

Sushie: I hope that person's okay. 

Bruce: opens the door again A HA! 

Karry: Oh wait, nevermind. 

Watt: It's just him. 

Lester: Who the Fuzz is that!? 

Karry: Trust me Lester, he's no one important. 

Bruce: Finally, I've been waiting almost two months for you to return. Or, was it two hours? I've lost count. 

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