Episode 26

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Goombario's Log Day 26: We've now explored the entire east wing and upper level of Tubba Blubba's Castle, and now here we stand Infront of his bedroom door. I gotta say, I'm pretty nervous. We ran into Tubba and Mario's hammer didn't do a thing to him. I couldn't even determine his defense he's that powerful. I just hope we can make it out of here alive and find his weakness. 

Kooper's Log Day 21: Oh for the love of goombas! WHY!? Mario has now gone from using danger strats, to freezie peril strats!? Is this guy insane?!! He's only got 1 HP right now and looks likes he's on the brink of death. Everytime we get into a battle, my heart just stops. I know he's got a life shroom if he falls, but for the love of all things holy, UP YOUR HP MAN!!!! AND KNOCK IT OFF WITH THE CONSTANT BEATING LIKE WHAT THE FUZZ!!! 

Bombette's Log Day 20: Well, well, well. So far, my plan's been working. Goombario and I are now on good terms with Bow, all that's left are the koopa bros. themselves. And by that, I mean Kooper and Karry, not the actual Koopa Bros., they can burn in hell. But hey, I think I can think of something. I just need the perfect opportunity. 

Parakarry's Log Day 15: Man, this mansion is a lot bigger than I thought. The furniture here is massive. So much so that I need to fly Mario over the gaps they're so big. And actually, seeing the big guy Tubba Blubba himself, I get why everything here is so huge. His house is not only as big as he is, but also his stomach too. 

Bow's Log Day 4: Here is it. Tubba Blubba's Bedroom. Somewhere in this room lies the secrets to his weakness. I don't know what lies behind that door, but I'm ready. I will show I'm not just the Boo next door. I'm gonna find a way. A way to save the friends I love. And I am gonna stop the Invincible Tubba Blubba. 

right before reaching Tubba Blubba's Room 

Mario and the partners peering through the door, looking around. They begin sneaking over to the end of the hallway 

Goombario: Be very quiet. Tubba Blubba could be anywhere up here. 

 Karry: Yeah, keep your wits about guys and girl. 

Bombette: I heard that, Karry. 

Kooper: So, um, Bow? Do you have someone you look up to? 

Bow: Is now the time to be chatting? 

Kooper: Look Bombette told me to chat with you or else she'd step on my tail. So, do you? I mean, I look up to Kolorado, a famous adventurer in the Mushroom Kingdom. He's so brave and courageous looking for lost treasure. I want to be just like him when I grow up. 

 Bow: Sure, fascinating, I guess. Look you want to talk, then fine. Someone who I look up to life,... you've heard of Princess Daisy before? 

Goombario: The princess of Sarasaland? 

Bow: Yep. She's got spunk, a kick-amp attitude, all while looking fabulous. She's such an inspiration I tell ya. 

Kooper: Oh yeah, I've heard of Daisy. Wasn't their someone on the internet that said he wanted to,... 

Karry: covers Kooper's mouth Shut up. 

Kooper: muffled Why? 

Bow: Yeah, why? 

suddenly, a large shadow appears behind them 

Karry: raises his finger shakenly Look.... 

Bow: turns around, sees Tubba Blubba 

Tubba: Hey. 

Everyone else: screams! they try to run, but Bow gets grabbed by Tubba 

Bow: Put me down! Put me down! 

Tubba: licks Mmh, minty. 

Karry: Let go of her you monster! flies into Tubba Blubba's eyes to blind him 

Tubba: blind Ah! Can't see! Can't see! 

Mario and the other party members grab Bow and free her, while Tubba grabs Karry and throws him to the ground 

Goombario: Everyone, book it! 

Every runs back through the door and Tubba Blubba forgets what happened. 

Everyone: panting 

Bombette: Everyone okay? 

Bow: Yeah, I'm good. That guy almost got me. 

Kooper: At least we got out with our lives. 

Karry: ... looks at Bow What? That's it? 

Bow: What? 

Karry: I just saved your life back there by blinding the dude and you don't even thank us for that!? 

Goombario: Karry, we can talk about this later, okay? Let's just get our breaths back and proceed. 

Karry: Fine. But I expect a sincere, heartfelt thank you once this is over. 

Bow: Sure, fine. Whatever. You've got a deal.

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