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so um i've kinda just been in the writing mood recently?? like what's wrong with me idk so here's another chapter and it's sO FREAKING FLUFFY BUT ALSO ANGSTY i'ms o m ad at myself i hate this couple but i love them because they're great

let me know what you think?? comments are really appreciated, but not required :) thank you for reading!! x

ps i imagine movie night luke looking like the image above but if anyone wants to make me a really great manip of luke message me and go for it!!

5:23 p.m.

Friday, December 2nd, 2014

"What's all this stuff?" Belle asks, leaning over and grabbing a box off the ground. Inside it are a bunch of rolls of athletic tape and some gloves like the kind that the fighters on television use, as well as a bunch of Band Aids and some Neosporin.

"What?" Luke looks over from where he's trying to set up the movie on her laptop. It's Friday and she really wanted to hang out all night, but apparently Luke has something to do so she settled for watching a film after school and hanging out for a bit before he has to go.

He gulps, "Uh, just some cool stuff I found at the Goodwill one time." Immediately he grabs the box from her and sets it on the other side of the van. She wants to ask him exactly what it is for and why he kept it, but she doesn't want to spoil things. They've been doing really well, even after their blow up about kissing...which still hasn't happened yet. Luke has been over a couple of days to hang out with her parents – he says he's trying to establish himself as a trustworthy young man so her dad will stop having an issue every time he's around. Belle still secretly thinks that her dad really likes Luke, but is trying to upkeep the intimidation factor by being a sturdy dad figure, so he won't tell anyone else he likes Luke.

Belle shifts around in the chair, bringing up her hand to cover her mouth as a small yawn escapes. She's recently found it difficult to sleep because she can't get her stupid little girly mind off of thinking about Luke and how lovely he is or about the nice things he does during the day.

"Maybe we should just have naptime," Luke chuckles.

She rolls her eyes, "I came to hang out, not sleep. I don't get these days often, and I can sleep at home." Luke smirks, "Sleeping with a person is—"

"So much better," she mocks him playfully, remembering the short time ago when those words were spoken. He laughs lowly, shaking his head as his eyes, "So you do listen." The intro music to every Disney movie ever made resounds from the laptop, and she hurriedly scurries over, sliding under the blankets with Luke not far behind. Their legs and shoulders touch at every possible point, making Belle feel like a match has just been lit inside the Hindenburg.

"Tangled?" she questions, resting her head under his chin.

Belle brought multiple movies, but she figured Luke would pick one of the action flicks, or even a comedy. Luke takes her hand gently in his own, a wide grin on his face, "Anything for my princess." She smiles, "I like that nickname too."

She's discovered very quickly that Luke is a friend to the nicknaming business. The whole week has been spent playing the trial-and-error game with nicknames. She had to stop him with doll, dear, and boo, but otherwise they've been a hit, such as honey, darling, and the famous sunshine. He hardly calls her by her real name, always Sunshine unless it's serious. She feels a kiss press into her hair, and the movie's first words are spoken.

6:17 p.m.

Something is different.

Luke keeps staring down at her. She can't stop herself from mouthing the words of the script or humming along with the songs merely because she's seen this film far too many times. Belle grins, the almost-kiss part between Flynn and Rapunzel playing on screen, and she continues to sing along underneath her breath.

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