public service announcement!!

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So I'm sure you're going to hate me for this not being an update, but I'm going to go through and change some things in the story. Not important things, just the dates for each chapter — which I'm sure you guys hardly pay attention to anyways haha. But I just wanted to let you know :) the timeline of the story just isn't adding up and it's my fault and my poor planning for doing that.

Good news is that I had soda for dinner and so I'll probably be up all night and I don't have to go to work tomorrow so therefore I can possibly double update :) tell me how much you love me and maybe it'll be a bit of a motivator!!

Ps, I'll also be fixing {most} grammar errors if I can catch them, and also the name swaps. Let me explain that: My friend (@Erin_Rains) and I write stories back and forth to each other, and this story was originally used with my name and her name, and that's why sometimes the names get mixed around. Aka, Belle was originally Morgan (me!!) and Elaine was originally Erin :) hope that clears up some things. And thank you to those who point out the name errors, it makes it easier to find and fix them!!

Pps, since I've plagued you with this terrible news and no update, I'm going to give you this super hot picture of Luke Hemmings. You're welcome.

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