Twenty Three

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also i'm sorry about not updating but stuff was happening so i hope you enjoy this cute lil filler that has foreshadowing and just over all cute belke cuteness in it (is that their ship name?? idk help)


7:45 a.m.

[dates still haven't been corrected because I'm a lazy bum so forgive me]

"Hey Luke!" Belle waves, hopping off the hood of her car. "What're you doing?"

Luke's head snaps upward and a wide smile paints his lips as his eyes zero in on her. Currently he's wearing a beanie, his varsity jacket, and some sweats. It's strange that such a comfortable, bum-ish look could make one guy look so attractive. It isn't fair that he looks just as good in sweats as he does in ripped, black skinnies, but somehow he's been blessed with a gift.

"Hey Sunshine," he hums, sidling up next to her, "what are you doing here so early?"

"I asked first," Belle answers as she falls into step beside him on his walk to the gym locker room. Really she doesn't want to tell him because he won't like the answer. Things have been awkward since the travesty of their first kiss, and she's been working hard to make it seem like there isn't a palpable tension between the two of them.

Luke gestures towards the gym door, "I'm about to go and shower." Belle forces a smile so it doesn't look like she already knew that and planned to be here at the exact time he'd be going through his morning routine. "Oh," she nods, "I'll leave you to it, then."

Just as she's about to squeeze his bicep and turn, Luke looks down at her with navy irises plagued with thought and speaks, "It's a bit early to just be sitting out on the hood of your car. You could join me?" Belle blushes at the thought of joining him in a totally different way, and Luke catches his slip-up quickly, his own cheeks painted pink.

"I don't mean you should join me in the shower," he mutters embarrassedly, "I just mean you can sit outside like that one time, on the counter. I-It's probably warmer, with the steam and all."

She watches as his Adam's apple bobs up and down, and it makes her grin to think that the thoughts shake him up even more so than they do her. "I wouldn't mind," she answers finally, watching as his shaky hands pull the key from his pocket. He nods, biting down on his lip as he opens the door and continues into the shower room. Belle hops up onto the counter and averts her eyes to her phone while he undresses, even though he's behind a concrete wall.

For a moment she lets her mind wonder if this is bad, being with him during the time he's showering, but Belle chastises herself for the thought. It's just to get to be with him, and to talk to him when no one else is listening. This is the sole reason she came here early, not because of any silly thing like her mother being grumpy or wanting to be early for a club meeting. She came because she wanted to see him and talk to him and be with him and possibly try to kiss him.

Is that bad?

Ever since the day when his mouth captured hers and he claimed her, marked her as his with his thumbs in her hips and her name on his lips, everything has been out of sorts. The stupid kiss that ruined everything while simultaneously making it all wonderful. It has kept her up at night and she's pressed the pads of her fingers into her lips trying to recreate the feeling or to call back some of the sparks that were there that day to no avail. It's not the same.

Belle sees Luke's bare shoulders as he bends down to grab a fresh shirt she recognizes all too well out of his little athletic bag as well as skinny jeans, and a twist curls her stomach into a knot at the sight. Belle watches as he turns on the water, his sweats still hung low around his hips.

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