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(a/n): so guys it's been a while but i hope you haven't given up on this story just yet!! i've been really busy with school and work and just wOW life is crazy right now haha. leave me some comments on this story, yeah? it'll help motivate me to continue, if i want to continue at all. you guys are great, thanks for sticking with me :)) hope you like this chapter, luuuuuke and beeeeelleeeeee, eep! x

4:27 p.m.

Wednesday, November 1st, 2014


The fences are all locked up tight, but that never stopped the two of them before in years prior to this, and it sure isn’t going to stop her now. Belle jogs a few fence links down to where it becomes shorter and loops her fingers around the chain metal.

“Belle,” Luke warns, his eyes enlarging. “Sunshine, that’s not safe…”

She hoists her legs up the fence, climbing the eight feet it takes before swinging her legs so she’s straddling the fence and then she jumps down, letting out an “Oof!” on her way down. “Sunshine,” she hears muttered from behind her as she brushes off her legs. Belle doesn’t turn around, she doesn’t pay him any mind.

The sun feels so out of place with her feelings so down in the darkness, but the warmth it gives off feels good. It warms her even though she is shivering on the inside. Belle walks onto the clay mound in the center of the field, her feet scuffling her feet along as she goes towards it. Behind her, there’s a thud and a grunt, and when she looks over her shoulder, her dark locks whipping in the sudden burst of wind, she sees Luke crouched from hopping over the fence. His eyes are trained in on her, some little sliver of fear held within the pretty turquoise of his irises. It’s as if he’s silently begging her to stop and talk to him and reassure him that they’re safe, that it’s okay.

Instead of speaking, Belle walks over to the mound where the white rubber is placed and sits down. It doesn’t matter that she’s going to have orange dirt staining her pants, she just wants to feel okay again and she thinks this is the only place that will give her that solace. For a moment she sits with her arms wrapped around her legs as she hugs them to her chest, but then she lays down in the grass, her eyes closed as she sprawls out, letting her skin soak up the sunshine. When she breathes, Belle hopes that maybe she can take in the good, clean air that is full of memories of this ballpark and flush out the bad air with memories of Frank and his attempt at violating her.

In with the good, out with the bad. In with the good, out with the bad. In with the good, out with the bad.


“Why here?” Luke asks again, breaking her from her meditative thoughts. When she opens her eyes, ready to tell him again to leave her alone, she’s surprised to see that Luke is standing over her, his frame appearing even taller than usual at her vantage point. Belle swallows, “It helps me think.”

It lets me remember all the good times instead of all the bad things that have been happening for the past few years, she thinks to herself, half-wishing she could admit it to him aloud. It would certainly lighten the boulder pressing against her chest, weighing her down and causing it hard to suck in breath after breath.

Luke holds his hands out in front of him, motioning to the ground around his feet and her body. “Mind if I join you?” he asks, a light smirk growing on his full lips. “I don’t own the grass,” Belle states plainly, her eyes and tone flat as she glances up at him.

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