Twenty Six

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so this part is really angsty and super like alsdkjf;alskfjas; so i hope you guys enjoy it because it shows how much belle cares and sTOP CALLING HER A BABY SHE'S JUST SENSITIVE AND IT WILL ALL BE EXPLAINED I LOVE HER DO NOT HATE HER FOR BEING INNOCENT

now that that's over, i've dedicated this chapter to mica (ihemmingsluke), my darling, i hope you're still enjoying this story and i love hearing from you!! 

8:32 a.m.

[the next morning]

"Seriously?!" Elaine giggles, a blush on her cheeks as she bats her eyelashes, "That is so cute, Belle!"

She shakes her head in response as she tugs her scarf tighter to her face, "It's not cute, it's weird. I shouldn't have done that." Belle has no one else she's really, truly friends with, other than Luke, and she's not going to talk to Luke about Luke, so she's decided that Elaine is her friend.

Elaine rolls her eyes, "No, it isn't a big deal, dear. I mean, the first time I stayed over at Ashton's it was because I had conked out during a movie. I woke up lying next to him and he was shirtless and I wondered if for a second something had happened, but it didn't. He was a perfect gentleman. After making me breakfast – toast, mind you – he told me that he had called my mom the night before and told her that he didn't feel comfortable with me driving home so drowsy and out of it. With a little convincing, he told her that I would stay with Lauren, his little sister, and that his mom would keep an eye out on us anyways. She didn't...but it was the sentiment."

An encouraged light fills Belle's eyes, and she wonders if maybe it isn't such a big deal that she asked to stay the night. She had been sleepy, and Luke could've made her a pallet on the floor or something. So why was he so opposed to the idea of her staying over?

"Really?" Belle asks as Elaine shifts her backpack over her shoulder. "I stay over there sometimes," she explains, fiddling with a bracelet on her wrist, "We get to spend quality time together but we don't do nasty stuff." Belle grins, "I think it's cool that you guys can hang out like that without being icky, or feeling pressured to be."

Elaine can't help her smile at the innocence of the words, but she shrugs, "I mean, the temptation is there, don't let me fool you. But from the very beginning I told him that I wanted to save myself for my wedding night, whether or not it was with him. He respected that, and so he respects my boundaries."

After wetting her lips, Belle sighs, "I just feel so silly because he got tense afterwards. I swear, every muscle was coiled. Of course it was a nice sight to see, but I hated being the reason for the tension. He didn't even kiss me goodnight, on the forehead or anything!"

"Belle," Elaine reaches out to take the brunette's hand, "he was trying not to say yes to you. If I know anything about Luke, which I hope I do, you were probably enticing him in more ways than one, especially after finally kissing after all that drama. If he would have kissed or touched you or maybe even talked to you, he most definitely would've said yes, but it might have led to other things. From what I've seen, Luke just wants to keep you innocent. That's a good thing."

Belle blushes, looking down at her hands as an exhale deflates her chest, "Oh."

"There's Luke now!" Elaine nods. Belle immediately glances up from where she was stood next to Elaine's car and sees Luke's hunched figure on his way to begin the normal routine for the day. She nods to Elaine, and the girl in the glasses gives her a knowing look, nudging her towards him.

"I'll talk to you later."

She rushes off to him, calling his name once or twice. He barely turns; his shoulders are slumped in a defeated way, and for some reason she swears she sees a glimpse of red on his shoulder. Luke throws a small glance back her way, but it's filled with something that resembles malice. She hopes maybe he's just sleepy.

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