Twenty One

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author's note: so sorry about this being kinda ish sorta late?? idk i just had a lot of asks on tumblr about updating so that's when i know it's about time to update haha!! but yeah so i chose this picture bc i kinda think it totally describes the way luke looks at little belle

on another note, if you guys have any song suggestions you think describe these two love birds then teeeeelll me!! i wanna make an 8tracks playlist thingy but i need some help!!


Wednesday, December 14th, 2014

2:17 p.m.

"I'm not going to stop bothering you about this," she smirks, sliding her backpack further up on her shoulder.

"Belle," Luke huffs.

"Luke," she mocks. "I'm fine, really! My foot has been fine since Tuesday, after I went to the doctors for two check-ups and an x-ray. I just want to learn."

He shakes his head as the two of them walk into sixth period, "No, not happening. You could hurt yourself again, and I would never forgive myself if I let you hurt yourself." Belle rolls her eyes and slides into her desk, mumbling under her breath. Luke gives her a look and she blows a breath out of her nose as if she were a dragon. "You're being a meanie head," she pokes out her tongue, "I just want to hang out and maybe beat each other up and you're being mean."

Belle pulls out her folder, ready to read the board, do the assignment, and bug Luke a little bit more to the point where hopefully his resolve crumbles and he trains her. The assignment is just a packet about Walt Whitman, so she turns to that section in her book and puts her name on the paper.

"No, Sunshine," Luke finally sighs, "your parents would kill me."

She crosses her arms with an indignant look upon her face, frowning pout and all, "You won't hurt me, I trust you!" Luke's throat bobs as he goes about putting his name at the top of the packet. His hands are trembling, and she wonders why. Instead of pestering him further, she decides to give him the silent treatment, tossing her hair over her shoulder and starting to answer the questions on her own.

About five minutes later, Wesley comes sauntering into the room confidently, a broad smirk painted on his pink lips. Belle looks over him, noticing his mussed hair and half-tucked shirt, and then she sees it: a bright red hickey plastered on the side of his neck. Mr. Ellis starts lecturing him from the front of the room and Belle feels Luke's breath against her shoulder, "I can tell you what he was doing."

She swats at him, "Hush, Luke, that's not something I want to think about."

He chuckles, one hand reaching out to brush over the exposed skin of her shoulder, "What ever do you mean, my dear?" His voice is in a funny accent, but Belle remembers she's supposed to be ignoring him mid-laugh, and so she straightens up.

"Train me."

He groans, sitting back, "No."

"You stink," she huffs, digging the pencil lead into her paper.

Luke shrugs, "I took a shower this morning, not possible."

Belle blushes at the memory of Luke in the locker room, showering. She wonders if he'd let her sit in there with him again, they haven't done it for a while. Ever since they admitted to being romantically interested in each other, it just seemed wrong to intrude on such an intimate time.

"I just want to learn," she turns to face him, tapping her pencil on his desk, "You promised."

"Yes, and I will when your foot is better, Sunshine."

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