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so i know it's been forever and this is short but hopefully you'll take my apology and fall back in love with these characters like i have 

"So, leave Grandma Kate alone, because she's a little off her rocker, stay far away from Angel because she's touchy and likes blondes, and talk to your Uncle Shane about football?"

Belle grins, a pale blush on her cheeks, "I think you're going to do just fine."

"Debatable," he grumbles, shifting his fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. He sighs, leaning down to kiss her hairline, "But I've got you, so I'll be perfectly alright."

The color on her skin darkens with embarrassment as she opens the door; Luke's hand falls away from the small of her back and they walk together inside.

"Belly!" a small voice squeals from across the room. Before Luke knows what has happened, the backside of Belle's thighs are pushing him backward. When his vision clears, he sees a little toddler cradled in the arms of the girl in front of him.

"Hey pretty," Belle responds, kissing the girl's forehead. She smiles and immediately the little one starts rattling off about her trip to Disney World and meeting the princesses. Belle taps her on the nose, "Well that sounds exciting. I've been to Disney a bunch. I even got to meet Tarzan."

They go on talking and Belle can't tear herself away from the conversation with the four year-old to glance back at the boy behind her who holds nothing but admiration in his blue irises. He smiles as he watches her dote on the child cradled deftly in her arms.

"Why don't you guys go into the living room so we women can run around this kitchen for a bit longer without worrying about decapitating somebody's toes," an elderly woman laughs as she pushes on Belle's arm. Luke watches as she smiles in return, "Alright, but only if you promise that you made your famous chocolate pie."

A wink is sent Belle's way and then she's pushed even further out of the kitchen. The living room has been rearranged to accommodate more people, and aforementioned people are already taking up residence in certain places.

Belle readjusts the girl in her arms and together she and Luke sit down on a small loveseat.

"This is Anastasia," Belle nods her head to the toddler she's holding. Anastasia giggles, a bright red blush covering her freckled cheeks. She waves at Luke, "What's your name?"

"Luke," he answers with a sheepish smile. She reminds him so much of baby Ella. He holds his hand out and, surprisingly enough, Anastasia grabs it as firmly as a four year-old can and shakes it. She nods, "You're cute."

Instantly Luke's cheeks warm, and Belle can't stop the giggles flowing from her lips. She releases her hold on Anastasia's hip to cover her lips, but it does nothing to dull the sound.

"Yeah," another voice butts in, "Cute doesn't even scratch the surface."

Luke's eyebrows knit together as he skims his vision over what he can see - a torso now firmly pressed against the side of him that isn't facing Belle. He rubs his nose with the back of his hand to try and get some movement in his arms because now he's sandwiched between the two women.

Belle feels every inch of her body crawl with insecurity as Angel's toned legs cross and the edge of her skirt rides up her thigh. She sighs and readjusts Anastasia against her hip, restraining the eye roll that so desperately wants to show itself.

"Luke," the name rolls off of her tongue like honey, full lips testing out the word as if she's never said it before. "Why haven't I met you?"

"Because I didn't want him to get infected," Belle grumbles under her breath, standing to her feet. Angel pushes her palm against the center of her chest, "I can't believe you'd talk to your cousin that way, Bellbottom." Angel snorts, squeezing her eyes shut.

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