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(author's note): okay guys so RR y about not posting, that's my bad. i've had a lot of school and life stuff lately, so just excuse me and my lameness, i apologize. but uh i think this chapter will make up for it :-)

ps. lOOk aT  luEK in thAt gIF  i'm no t a live i a m dead


5:58 p.m.

Wednesday, November 1st, 2014

“P.I.G.S.,” she states plainly, hands on hips as Luke looks at the orange ball he’s rolling around in his hands. “You mean horse?” he questions, raising an eyebrow and bouncing the basketball once. “You’ve played it before, then,” Belle nods, crossing her arms. Luke scoffs, “Sure I have.” In a smooth effort he passes the ball with a bounce into her hands and takes off his jacket, tossing it over a tree branch.

I can’t go home, Belle thinks to herself as she focuses on dribbling the ball, so I might as well make the most out of the time I have left. She knows that the second she walks through the door she’s going to be murdered, or grounded at the least. Something about being with this silver-tongued boy makes her want to stay no matter the punishment. Belle passes the ball back to him harshly, smacking his chest and he staggers backwards just a bit with a surprised look on his face.

“You play?”

Belle wets her lips, “I-I um, I used to…with my brother.”

“You quit,” he nods, “and then you became popular. Yay you.”

Well, she thinks to herself, all right then. That hurt. Belle smiles anyways, “Yeah.” Luke shrugs, twisting the ball in his lengthy fingers, “Equal opportunity requires equal sacrifice.” The blonde’s words sting, sending shots through Belle’s heart, but she refuses to acknowledge it and let her facial expression slip.

Belle swallows thickly, forcing the emotions down her throat and into he stomach, “Why don’t we mix things up a bit, then? Like…” She works on putting her hair up into a ponytail as she thinks, “If I miss, you get to ask me any question you like and I have to answer. If you miss, the same consequences go to you.”

“I guess,” Luke shrugs his shoulders, “but I don’t miss.” She rolls her eyes, secretly loving his arrogance. He dribbles nonchalantly, his muscles defining as he does so, and shoots, the ball swishing through the net as if he’s done this one thousand plus times. Belle groans, “Whatever.” He chuckles, tossing her the ball. Belle dribbles only once and then shoots, but misses by just a few inches.

“I was nervous!” she defends as Luke fetches the ball from where it rolled off the concrete. “I’m rusty, I haven’t played in two years!” Luke giggles, a smirk following soon after, “So, Belle…” She groans, “Luke!”

Luke taps his chin dramatically with his index finger, the ball tucked under his armpit. “So,” he bites down on his lower lip, “Belle, is there anyone you fancy?” He sounds so Australian when he says ‘fancy’, it turns her stomach over. The way he says her name, the way it flows from his honeyed lips, makes the upset emotions she swallowed earlier bubble up like champagne in her tummy.

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