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hey guys okay so here's the first chapter idk who actually reads this stuff but weeee here you go :)) hope you like it. if you do, vote and comment :)) if not, then... just yeah. love you x

12:27 p.m.

Wednesday, October 18th, 2014


“What do you mean?!” Melody gapes, her brows furrowed together. Belle swallows the lump in her throat, trying to push her chest out to give herself a bit of an ego boost. “I-I, um,” she stutters, looking down at her chicken tenders. “I’m not sitting with you at lunch, I-I’m going to sit with the debate team.” Melody rolls her eyes, squirting some ranch on her lettuce piece. “The debate team?” she scoffs, tossing her head back, “You’ve got to be kidding me, Belle. I thought you wanted to change, not…” Melody sighs and casts a glance up at her friend, “Fine, go on. Go be a dork. See if I care.”

Belle swallows another lump and bashfully blinks up at Melody, “You know if I-I want to make Student Government secretary I-I have to be good at speeches.” Melody rolls her eyes, “Just go, Belle.” With a nod, the brunette smiles, “Thank you.” Melody’s irises turn to slits, “This better be a one time thing, you know. Remember what I told you yesterday?” Belle nods her head vigorously, biting her lip simultaneously, “I understand completely. Pinky promise.”

She picks up her tray and puts in her lunch number before thanking the lunch lady with a curt head nod and a slight smile. Her eyes skim over the brimming sea of people scuffling around the cafeteria. With her head held high she walks past the table filled with her normal buddies and continues into an enclave section of the lunchroom which is occupied by really clingy couples or creepy people. Which should be her first red alert, no-no sign.

At the other end of the first of three tables sits a figure in a black t-shirt with holes splattered over the fabric. Belle’s eyes immediately flicker around to the spots of tanned flesh that she can see through the material and it’s as if her lungs have suddenly stopped working. Breathe, Belle, breathe. She squeezes her tray hard, the plastic biting into her palm, and gathers her nerve into a pool at the center of her chest. Here goes nothing, c’mon.

Sliding into the stool across the table from where Luke Hemmings is sat, she places her tray onto the table. He’s working on something in a small notebook, his arm placed strategically that no one could see or read what he’s putting down unless they were directly over his shoulder. It must be important to him, she figures to herself, picking at the Styrofoam lunch plate she’s eating off of. When he finally takes his eyes away from the notebook, they flicker upwards to see who he obviously wasn’t expecting to be there. His turquoise irises flicker dark blue before turning light once more, his jaw hanging slightly slack.

“What did I do now?” he asks abrasively, his tone gruff as if he hasn’t spoken all day. Belle shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant, “Nothing, I just figured you could use the company. You’re eating alone.”

Luke raises his eyebrows, nodding slowly, “Yes…that’s kind of the point.” Belle rolls her eyes, “Why? No one wants to bother the big bad wolf?” Luke snorts humorlessly, tossing his head back for a moment, “Maybe they want to keep all their limbs in tact…Or…” He taps his pen against the table and leans his head forward as if he’s about to share a big secret. “Maybe I like sitting alone.”

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