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Previously on The True Future Thread
Andrea's POV
I wonder how this relationship is going to go
She smiles hard
6 months later

Ever since Andrea and Jordan went on that date the two fell in love with each other they are so happy to be together

Any free time they have they use it to be together
they haven't had sex yet they weren't pushing each other for that but today changed as their were in a heated make out in Jordan's room

3rd Person's POV

As Andrea is on her back with Jordan on top of her he starts kissing her neck creating hickeys all over her neck she starts to moan softly until he starts kissing lower

Andrea: wait babe (she moans out)

He stops everything

Jordan: what happened are you ok we can stop if you want

He starts rambling Andrea smiles and kisses him
then she pulls away

Andrea: babe relax you were just kissing me lower an I think we need to put a silencing spell up before you...continue (she blushes)

Jordan: ok (grins) but are you sure you want to keep going I don't want to pressure you into something you don't want to do

Andrea: (smiles) yes I want to keep going but two thing's first

Jordan: what is it my love

Andrea: one I putting the spell up now

She cast a silencing spell and put a lock spell on the door so only she can unlock it

Andrea: two do you have a condom

Jordan: yes

He gets up and goes to his closet and grabs the 24 pack then he hops on the bed which makes Andrea giggle she stops once she looks at the pack she swallows the lump in her throat and grabs them

Andrea: damn babe a large and it's a 24 pack

Mind you she has never seen it in any of their make out sessions she felt it one time but he wasn't all the way hard

Jordan: (grins)well it was given to me (he blushes)

Andrea: but a large

Jordan: (groan) it grows ok

Her eyes widen

Jordan: it's ok babe we don't have do it we can just go back to making out until your ready

Andrea pushes him down on the bed and climbs on top of him she kisses him a couple of times then pulls away

Andrea: no I want to do this (she bites her lip) just please go slow I'm still a virgin

He flips them over so he's on top and starts kissing her neck and sucking on it again she moans

Jordan: it's ok princess so am I (he mumbles) can I take your shirt off

She nods her head he pulls away

Jordan: I need to hear you say it princess

He goes back to sucking on her neck

Andrea: yes you can take it off (moans out)

He pulls away an pulls her shirt over her head
when the shirt is off he couldn't help but stare at the beauty in front of him

Andrea: what am I ugly

He shook he's head rapidly and slid In between her legs and starts kissing down her chest all the way down to her boobs she moans softly and puts her hands in his hair

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