Oh my god Lizzie shut up(12)

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Previously on the True Future Threat
3rd Person's POV
In the headmistress's office

As they walked in the headmistress's office Caroline looks up to see who it is when she sees Josie she immediately vamps to her

Caroline: Josie oh my god your back (she starts to cry) how are you here

Josie: ummm (looks at Andrea) can I tell her

Andrea: umm yeah

Caroline: know what... and wait you just got back how do you know her

Josie: mom sit down please it's going to be a lot to take in and Hope can you close the door

Hope: yeah

She gets up and closes the door and puts a silencing spell up

Josie: umm Drea is their a faster way to explain this

Andrea: yeah um Hope can you do a head dive while I cast the spell

Hope nods and walks over to Caroline and puts her hand on her head when Hopes in her head Andrea cast the spell

Josie: ok what's it supposed to do

Andrea: it will show nana everything I showed you guys for her it's longer for us we don't have to wait long

20 minutes later

Josie and Andrea were talking when they heard a gasp then throwing up nosies they see Hope and Caroline throwing up

Josie: damn what happened

Hope: it's never a good sight to see your daughter having sex especially twice

Hope then glares at Andrea

Andrea: my bad I was showing you guys my memories

Hope: you couldn't have erased that part out or something

Andrea: no I actually couldn't since it's my memory play by play

Josie: mom why are you throwing up

Caroline: because it's not a good sight to see your granddaughter having sex

Andrea: sorry but why didn't you guys throw up the first time mom

Hope: because I tried to ignore it

Josie: me too

Hope: just didn't work the second time especially when your up close like that it's n-not something you wanna s-seeee (she throws up again)

Andrea: oh my god your so dramatic

Josie laughs

Caroline: ok since you showed me the part they asked questions already but I do have one

Andrea: go for it

Caroline: in your time when they get together

Andrea: ok wasn't expecting that one but umm literally the day before Penelope asked momma out mom had found out what she was doing and knew she had to tell momma her feelings before it was to late and she did they went on a date the next day Penelope ask momma out and she said no Penelope didn't like that answer and tried to force Momma into dating her in tell mom step up and threaten Penelope and Alaric didn't like that so he suspended mom and Penelope thought she got a way with it but oh boy was she wrong (she laughed)

Hope: what did I do

Andrea: Penelope tried to get momma to sleep with her but she refused so Penelope grabbed her hard by the wrist hurting her while you were walking to breakfast and that set you off so you beat the living shit out of her like so bad the bitch was black and blue with swollen face after that Alaric found out and Penelope mom got involved she kept saying to expel you and he was but you told him he couldn't and he said he could since he was the headmaster but all you told him was call Aunt Freya he called her and explained everything she laughed the she told him the secret and Penelope got expelled and you got suspended for two days then you guys kept your relationship a secret for 6 months then the Mikaelson disaster happened which made mom depressed and broke up with momma but momma of course didn't except that and the got back together after a 2 years of dating everyone found out Alaric tried to kill mom and almost succeeded but mom fought him off but when the rest of the family found out they locked him up for a year and Lizzie got pissed but got over it then a couple months later you guys found out about the bond you guys got married and had me and are still in love till this day

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